martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008
circuitos ntegrados
Ejemplo: Si un resistor tiene las siguiente bandas de colores:
rojo amarillo verde oro
2 4 5 +/- 5 %
La resistencia tiene un valor de 2400,000 Ohmios +/- 5 %
El valor máximo de esta resistencia es: 25200,000 Ω
El valor mínimo de esta resistencia es: 22800,000 Ω
La resistencia puede tener cualquier valor entre el máximo y mínimo calculados
Conector: hilo conductor de resistencia despreciable (idealmente cero) que une eléctricamente dos o más elementos.
Generador o fuente: elemento que produce electricidad. En el circuito de la figura 1 hay tres fuentes, una de intensidad, I, y dos de tensión, E1 y E2.
Nodo: punto de un circuito donde concurren varios conductores distintos. En la figura 1 se pueden ver cuatro nudos: A, B, D y E. Obsérvese que C no se ha tenido en cuenta ya que es el mismo nudo A al no existir entre ellos diferencia de potencial (VA - VC = 0).
Rama: conjunto de todos los elementos de un circuito comprendidos entre dos nodos consecutivos. En la figura 1 se hallan siete ramales: AB por la fuente, AB por R1, AD, AE, BD, BE y DE. Obviamente, por un ramal sólo puede circular una corriente.
Por el tipo de señal Por el tipo de régimen Por el tipo de componentes Por su configuración
De corriente continua
De corriente alterna
Mixtos Periódico
Permanente Eléctricos: Resistivos, inductivos
capacitivos y mixtos
Electrónicos: digitales, analógicos y mixtos Serie
Serie de elementos o componentes eléctricos o electrónicos, tales como resistencias, inductancias, condensadores, fuentes, y/o dispositivos electrónicos semiconductores, conectados eléctricamente entre sí con el propósito de generar, transportar o modificar señales electrónicas o eléctricas.
El circuito esta formado por un circuito integrado que en su interior contiene cuatro puertas NAND. La primera de ellas se empleo para, por un lado detectar resistencia entre los electrodos y por el otro para oscilar produciendo el sonido de la alarma. Las tres restantes se configuraron en paralelo para amplificar la salida y colocarlo sobre el altavoz (previo bloqueo de la continua con un condensador). La detección del liquido se efectúa por medio de dos electrodos de al menos cinco centímetros de largo y separados uno del otro por no mas de un centímetro. Estos electrodos, al entrar en contacto con el liquido producen una cierta resistencia (mucho menor al mega) provocando un estado ALTO en la terminal 1. Activada esta entrada queda esta puerta oscilando gracias a la resistencia de 470 Ω y el condensador de 1 µF. El altavoz puede ser cualquiera de una radio portátil y la impedancia puede estar entre 4 y 16 Ω sin problemas.
V max: simple 12V DC
I max: 0.1A
Señalizador fijo a doble flasheo
Contador decimal de 0 a 99
Zumbador instantaneo (555)
Detector nivel de líquido
todo los 3 parciales resumenes
Origen y Objetivos de la Cibernética:
La Cibernética es la ciencia que se ocupa de los sistemas de control y de comunicación en las personas y en las máquinas, estudiando y aprovechando todos sus aspectos y mecanismos comunes.
La Cibernética según Gregory Barreson, es la rama de las matemáticas que se encarga de los problemas de control, recursividad e información.
Stafford Beer define a la Cibernética como la ciencia de la organización efectiva.
El nacimiento de la cibernética se estableción en 1942 en Nueva York, 5 años más tarde Norbet Wiener propuso el nombre de Cibernética derivado de una palabra griega.
Permite la Organización de máquinas capaces de reaccionar y operar con más presisión y rapidez que los seres vivos.
- Conjunto de elementos interrelacionados e interactuantes entre sí. El concepto tien 2 usos muy diferenciados, que se refieren respectivamente a los sistemas de conceptos y a los objetos reales más o menos complejos y dotados de la organización.
- Conjunto de entidades caracterizadas por ciertos atributos, que tienen relaciones entre sí y estan localizadas en un cierto ambiente, de acuerdo con un cierto objetivo.
- Blanchard lo define como una combinación de medios (personas, materiales, equipos, software, instalaciones, etc) integrados de forma tal que puedan desarrollar una determinada función en respuesta a una necesidad concreta.
Tipos de Sistemas
Sistemas Conceptuales o Ideales: Es un conjunto de definiciones, nombres, símbolos y otros instrumentos de pensamiento o comunicación. Ej: matemáticas, lógica formal y notación musical.
Sistemas Reales: Es una entidad material formada por partes organizadas que interactúan entre sí de manera que las propiedades del conjunto no pueden deducirse por completo de las propiedades de las partes.
Sistemas físicos o concretos: compuestos por equipos, maquinaria, objetos y cosas reales. El hardware.
Sistemas abstractos: compuestos por conceptos, planes, hipótesis e ideas. Muchas veces solo existen en el pensamiento de las personas. Es el software.
Sistemas cerrados: no presentan intercambio con el medio ambiente que los rodea, son herméticos a cualquier influencia ambiental. No reciben ningún recurso externo y no producen nada que sea enviado hacia fuera. En rigor, no existen sistemas cerrados. Se da el nombre de sistema cerrado a aquellos sistemas cuyo comportamiento es determinístico y programado y que opera con muy pequeño intercambio de energía y materia con el ambiente. Se aplica el término a los sistemas completamente estructurados, donde los elementos y relaciones se combinan de una manera peculiar y rígida produciendo una salida invariable, como las máquinas.
Sistemas abiertos: presentan intercambio con el ambiente, a través de entradas y salidas. Intercambian energía y materia con el ambiente. Son adaptativos para sobrevivir. Su estructura es óptima cuando el conjunto de elementos del sistema se organiza, aproximándose a una operación adaptativa. La adaptabilidad es un continuo proceso de aprendizaje y de auto-organización.
Sistemas de Control
La cibernética es una teoría de la comunicación y del control, a través de la retroalimentación del funcionamiento de los sistemas; esto tanto en las máquinas como en sistemas naturales, especialmente los sistemas biológicos como organismos, células o ecosistemas.
El término procede del griego Kubernites que se refiere al timonel, el cual gobierna la embarcación.
Los sistemas de control según la teoría cibernética se aplican en escencia para los organismos vivos, las máquinas y las organizaciones. Estos sistemas fueron relacionados por primera vez en 1948 por Norbert Wiener en su obra "Cibernética y Sociedad" con la aplicación en la teoría de los mecanismos de control.
Un sistema de control se define como un conjunto de componentes que pueden regular su propia conducta o la de otro sistema con el fin de lograrun modo conveniente para su supervivencia.
Clasificación de los sistemas de control
- Sistema de Control de Lazo Abierto: Es aquel en el que la acción de control está muy relacionada con la entrada, pero su efecto es independiente de la salida. Estos sistemas se caracterizan por tener la capacidad para poder establecerles una relación entre la entrada y la salida con el fin de lograr la exactitud deseada y nunca tienen el problema de la inestabilidad. Un ejemplo es el acelerador de un coche o una lavadora.
- Sistema de Control de Lazo cerrado:
La acción de control está en cierto modo muy dependiente de la salida, estos sistemas se caracterizan por su propiedad de retroalimentación. Ej. coche con frenos ABS.
Tipos de Sistemas de Control
Los sistemas de control se agrupan en 3 tipos básicos:
1.- Hechos por el hombre
2.- Naturales, incluyendo sistemas biológicos
3.- Cuyos componentes están unos hechos por el hombre y los otros naturales.
Características de un Sistema de Control
1.- Entrada: Considera como un estímulo aplicado a un sistema desde una fuente de energía externa, con el propósito de que el sistema tenga una respuesta específica.
2.- Salida: Respuesta obtenida por el sistema que puede o no relacionarse con la respuesta que implicaba la entrada.
3.- Variable: Es el elemento que se desea controlar.
4.- Mecanismos Sensores: Son aquellos receptores que miden las variaciones o cambios que se producen en la variable.
5.- Medios Motores: Son las partes que influyen en la acción de producir un cambio de orden correctivo.
6.- Fuente de Energía: Es la que entrega la energía necesaria para generar cualquier tipo de actividad dentro del sistema.
7.- Retroalimentación: Es una característica importante de los sistemas de control del Lazo Cerrado.
Sistema de control: Horno de microondas
Entrada: La comida que se mete por la puerta para calentarse
Salida: Los alimentos ya calientes, listos para comerse
Variable: Tiempo, intensidad de calor, cantidad de comida, tipo de comida
Mecanismos Sensores: Cronómetro Digital, Termómetro Interno
Mecanismos Motores: Calor, rotación del plato que sostiene la comida, Radiación y electricidad
Fuente de Energía: Electricidad
Retroalimentación: El sonido que hace cuando ya está lista la comida
La Ingeniería en los Sistemas de Control
Los problemas considerados en la Ingeniería de los sistemas de control, básicamente se tratan mediante 2 pasos fundamentales, como son:
1.- El análisis
2.- El diseño
En el análisis se investigan las características de un sistema existente, mientras que en el diseño se escogen y arreglan los componentes del sistema de control para la posterior ejecución de una tarea particular.
La representación de los problemas en los sistemas de control se lleva a cabo mediante tres representaciones básicas o modelos:
1.- Ecuaciones diferenciales y otras relaciones matemáticas.
2.- Diagramas en Bloque
3.- Gráficas en flujo de análisis
Los diagramas y las gráficas de flujo son representaciones que pretenden acortar el proceso correctivo del sistema, sin importar si está caracterizado de manera esquemática o mediante ecuaciones matemáticas.
Las ecuaciones diferenciales se emplean cuando se requieren relaciones detalladas del sistema.
Cada sistema de control se puede representar teóricamente por sus ecuaciones matemáticas.
Representación de la realidad por medio de abstracciones. Los modelos enfocan ciertas partes importantes de un sistema (por lo menos, aquella que le interesan a un tipo de modelo específico), restándole importancia a otras.
Los modelos son creados empleando herramientas de modelado.
Modelo Natural: Es un modelo que hace sobre las cosas físicas ya existententes en la naturaleza
Modelo artificial: Es un modelo creado para algo inventado por el hombre
Modelo Análogo:procedimiento de transferir (es decir, duplicar y revisar) un modelo desde un "sistema" al otro
Modelo Digital: Es un modelo en el cual, para su realización, se utiliza tecnología.
Modelo Híbrido: Es el combina varios modelos
Modelo Matemático: se basa en expresar utilizando los instrumentos de la teoría matemática, declaraciones, relaciones, proposiciones sustantivas de hechos o de contenidos simbólicos: están implicadas variables, parámetros, entidades y relaciones entre variables y/o entidades u operaciones, para estudiar comportamientos de sistemas complejos ante situaciones difíciles de observar en la realidad
Sistema Binario
Sistema de numeración en el cual se utilizan solamente
a) 51.59375=00110011.10011
b) 116=01110100
c) 11010011.101=211.625
d) 11101001=233
e) 125.6875=01111101.1011
f) 1110=14
Sistema Octal
El sistema numérico con base 8 se llama Octal y utiliza los dígitos del 0 al 7.
Los números octales pueden construirse a partir de números binarios agrupando cada 3 dígitos consecutivos (de derecha a izquierda) y obteniendo su valor decimal.
En Informática a veces se utiliza la numeración octal en vez de la hexadecimal. Tiene la ventaja de que no requiere otros símbolos diferentes de los dígitos.
1.- ¿Qué es un protocolo de enrutamiento?
Son aquellos que determinan la ruta que va a seguir un paquete a través de una red para llegar a su destino.
2.- ¿Cuáles son los 2 algoritmos más ocupados en internet?
- Algoritmo Vector de Distancias: Ej RIP y IGRP
- Algoritmo de Estado de Enlace: OSPF IS-IS
3.- Cómo se configura RIP en un router? Explica cada línea
Primero poner el comando ·router rip en la configuración global.
Segundo.- Poner el comando de la red para establecer que redes van a ser parte del RIP.
Tercer. Copnfigurar la otra interface.
Cuarto.- Especificar la versión del RIP.
4.- ¿Qué es el modelo OSI?
Es un modelo de arquitectura para el Internet que actualmente se utiliza más como método de enseñanza que como una estructura a aplicar efectivamente en Internet.
5.- ¿cuáles son las capas del modelo OSI y qué hace cada una de ellas?
1.- Capa física: Se encarga de las conecciones físicas de la computadora a la red.
2.- Capa de Enlace de Datos: se ocupa del direccionamiento físico, de la topología de la red, del acceso a la red, de la notificación de errores, de la distribución ordenada de tramas y del control del flujo.
3.- Capa de Red: hacer que los datos lleguen desde el origen al destino, aún cuando ambos no estén conectados directamente
4.- Capa de Transporte: aceptar los datos enviados por las capas superiores, dividirlos en pequeñas partes si es necesario, y pasarlos a la capa de red. En el caso del modelo OSI, también se asegura que lleguen correctamente al otro lado de la comunicación
5.- Capa de Sesión: establece, gestiona y finaliza las conexiones entre usuarios (procesos o aplicaciones) finales.
6.- Capa de Presentación: encargarse de la representación de la información, de manera que aunque distintos equipos puedan tener diferentes representaciones internas de caracteres (ASCII, Unicode, EBCDIC), números (little-endian tipo Intel, big-endian tipo Motorola), sonido o imágenes, los datos lleguen de manera reconocible.
7.- Capa de Aplicación: Ofrece a las aplicaciones (de usuario o no) la posibilidad de acceder a los servicios de las demás capas y define los protocolos que utilizan las aplicaciones para intercambiar datos, como correo electrónico (POP y SMTP), gestores de bases de datos y servidor de ficheros (FTP).
6.- ¿Cuántas clases de direcciones IP existen y qué rango utilizan?
- A: 1-127
- B: 128-191
- C: 192-233
- D: 224-239
- E: 240-255
Sistema Hexadecimal
Es el sistema de numeración posicional de base 16. Su uso actual está muy vinculado a la informática, pues las computadoras utilizan el byte u octeto como unidad básica de memoria y 2 dígitos hexadecimales corresponden exactamente a un byte.
El conjunto de símbolos a utilizar es del 0-9, A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15
Cuestionario 2:
1.- Definición de NAT y PAT
NAT= Network Address Translation
PAT= Port-Based Address Translation
2.- COnfiguración de NAT y PAT
La NAT dinámica está diseñada para mapear una dirección IP privada a una dirección pública de entre un pool de direcciones públicas ya establecido. Es decir, Cualquier dirección IP pública de este pool se asigna a un host de la red interna.
1. Primero deberemos definir un almacén o pool de direcciones (que serán las direcciones públicas que nos asigne nuestro ISP)
Router#config t
Router(config)# ip nat pool 1 netmask
2. Crear una lista de acceso estándard que permita las direcciones internas que se deben traducir.
Router(config)# access-list 1 permit
3.Configurar la NAT dinámica basada en la dirección de origen especificando la lista de acceso definida en el paso anterior.
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool 1
4.Especificar la interfaz interna y marcarla como conectada al interior.
Router(config)# interface e0
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
Router(config-if)# exit
5.Especificar la interfaz externa y marcarla como conectada al exterior.
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config)# ip nat outside
Comandos para verificación de la tabla NAT
Show ip nat translations
Show ip nat statistics
debug ip nat
La forma más utilizada de NAT proviene del NAT dinámico, ya que toma múltiples direcciones IP privadas y las traduce a una única dirección IP pública utilizando diferentes puertos. Esto se conoce también como PAT (Port Address Translation), NAT de única dirección , NAT multiplexado a nivel de puerto o sobrecarga (overload).
1. Primero deberemos definir una lista de acceso IP estándard que permita las direcciones locales internas que se deben traducir:
Router(config)# access-list 1 permit
2. Establecer la traducción dinámica de origen, especificando la lista de acceso definida en el paso anterior.
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 interface serial0/0 overload
nota: “la palabra overload habilita PAT”
3. Especificar la dirección global como un conjunto que se usará para la sobrecarga.
Router(config)# ip nat pool 1 netmask
4. Establecer la traducción de sobrecarga:
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool 1 overload
5. Especificar la interfaz interna y marcarla como conectada al interior.
Router(config)# interface e0
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
Router(config-if)# exit
6. Especificar la interfaz externa y marcarla como conectada al exterior.
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside
Router(config-if)# exit
3.- Definición de los comandos show con ejemplos
show interfaces
Muestra las estadísticas completas de todas las interfaces del router. Para ver las estadísticas de una interfaz específica, ejecute el comando show interfaces seguido de la interfaz específica y el número de puerto.
Por ejemplo:
Router#show interfaces serial 0/1
show controllers serial
Muestra información específica de la interfaz de hardware. El comando debe incluir el número de puerto y/o de ranura de la interfaz.
Por ejemplo:
Router#show controllers serial 0/1
• show clock
Muestra la hora fijada en el router
• show hosts
Muestra la lista en caché de los nombres de host y sus direcciones
• show users
Muestra todos los usuarios conectados al router
• show history
Muestra un historial de los comandos ingresados
• show flash
Muestra información acerca de la memoria flash y cuáles archivos IOS se encuentran almacenados allí
• show version
Despliega la información acerca del router y de la imagen de IOS que esté corriendo en al RAM. Este comando también muestra el valor del registro de configuración del router
• show ARP
Muestra la tabla ARP del router
• show protocols
Muestra el estado global y por interfaz de cualquier protocolo de capa 3 que haya sido configurado
• show startup-config
Muestra el archivo de configuración almacenado en la NVRAM
• show running-config
Muestra el contenido del archivo de configuración activo o la configuración para una interfaz específica.
4.- ¿Qué es? ¿Cómo funciona?
DHCP=Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Solicita y asigna una dirección IP una Puerta de Enlace y la dirección de un DNS a un host
DNS= Domain Name Service. Traduce direcciones IP en direcciones legibles y fáciles de recordar.
TCP/IP= Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. Es un protocolo que marca el modo en el que debe estar oraganizada una red y cómo debe correr la misma.
5.- Diferencia entre la configuración de un switch y router
a) Para la configuración inicial del Switch se utiliza el puerto de consola conectado a un cable transpuesto o de consola y un adaptador RJ-45 a DB-9 para conectarse al puerto COM1 del ordenador. La asignación de un nombre exclusivo al Switch y las contraseñas correspondientes se realiza en el modo de configuración global. Para configurar la dirección IP a un switch se debe hacer sobre una interfaz de vlan. Por defecto la VLAN 1 es vlan nativa del switch, al asignar un direccionamiento a la interfaz vlan 1 se podrá administrar el dispositivo vía telnet.
b) La configuración del router es un aparte fundamental del proceso de conseguir buenas velocidades con los programs p2
6.- Diferencis rntre TCP y UDP
El TCP hace que lleguen todos los paquetes a su destino e interrumpe el flujo si algún paquete no llega.
El UDP sólo manda los paquetes sin importarle si llegan bien o no, por tanto nop se interrumpe.
7.- ¿CUáles son los servicios y protocolos de Internet?
La familia de protocolos de Internet es un conjunto de protocolos de red en la que se basa Internet y que permiten la transmisión de datos entre redes de computadoras. En ocasiones se le denomina conjunto de protocolos TCP/IP, en referencia a los dos protocolos más importantes que la componen: (TCP) y (IP), que fueron los dos primeros en definirse, y que son los más utilizados de la familia. Existen tantos protocolos en este conjunto que llegan a ser más de 100 diferentes, entre ellos se encuentra el popular (HyperText Transfer Protocol), que es el que se utiliza para acceder a las páginas web, además de otros como el (Address Resolution Protocol) para la resolución de direcciones, el (File Transfer Protocol) para transferencia de archivos, y el (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) y el (Post Office Protocol) para correo electrónico, TELNET para acceder a equipos remotos, entre otros.
Circuitos Lógicos y Compuertas
Los circuitos digitales son componentes del Hardware que manipulan información binaria. Los circuitos se constituyen con partes electrónicas como transistores, diodos y resistores.
Cada circuito recibe el nombre de compuerta, la cual realiza una operación lógica específica y la salida de una compuerta se aplica a las entradas de otras para así formar el circuito digital requerido.
Para describir las propiedades operacionales de los circuitos digitales, es necesario presentar el sistema matemático llamado Álgebra Booleana, en honor del matemático inglés George Boole, que especifica la operación de cada compuerta.
El álgebra Booleana también se utiliza para describir la interconección de compuertas digitales y para transformar diagramas de circuitos en expresiones algebráicas.
Lógica Binaria:
Tiene que ver con variables que asumen 2 valores discretos y con operaciones que asumen un significado lógico. Los 2 valores que toman son 1 y 0 y su nombre es designado por letras del alfabeto.
Existen 3 operaciones lógicas asociadas con los valores binarios llamados AND, OR, NOT
AND: Represento un producto lógico, Su símbolo es un punto (·)
Tabla de verdad puerta ANDEntrada AEntrada BSalida AB
Tabla de verdad puerta AND
Entrada A Entrada B Salida AB
OR: realiza la operación de suma lógica. Su símbolo es +
Tabla de verdad puerta OR
Entrada A Entrada B Salida A + B
NOR: realiza la operación de suma lógica negada. Su símbolo es (–)
Tabla de verdad puerta NOR
Entrada A Entrada B Salida
NOT: inversión o negación de una variable lógica. Su símbolo es (–)
Tabla de verdad puerta NOT
Entrada A Salida
Compuertas Lógicas
Son circuitos electrónicos que operan con una o más señales de entrada para producir 1 señal de salida.
Las compuertas son bloques de Hardware que producen el equivalente de señales de salida 1 y 0 lógicos, si se satisfacen requisitos de lógica de entrada. Las señales de entrada x y pueden existir en las compuertas AND y OR en 1 de los 4 estados posibles: 00, 01, 10, 11.
Las compuertas AND y OR pueden tener más de 2 entradas. AND de 3 entradas responde con una salida de 1 lógico si las 3 entradas son 1, de lo contrario la salida será 0. La compuerta OR de 4 entradas responde con un 1 lógico si alguna entrada es 1 su salida se convierte en 0 sólo cuando sus entradas son 0.
Identidades Básicas del Álgebra Booleana
Existen 17 diferentes identidades del álgebra booleana, las cuáles nos ayudan a simplificar las ecuaciones o diagramas booleanos.
9 de estas identidades muestran una relación entre una variable x, su complemento y las constantes binarias 0 y 1.
5 más son similares al álgebra ordinaria y otras 3 son muy útiles para la manipulación de expresiones booleanas aunque no tengan que ver con el álgebra booleana.
Dentro de estas identidades tenemos dualidad, esto se obtiene simplemente intercambiando operaciones OR y AND y remplazando 1s por 0s.
Las leyes orientativas en la cual se escriben las variables no afectaran el resultado cuando se utilicen las operaciones OR y AND.
Las leyes asociativas postulan que el resultado de formar una operación entre 3 variables es independiente del orden que se siga y por tanto pueden eliminarse todos los paréntesis.
También se suele ocupar el Teorema De Morgan, el cual es muy importante ya que se aplica para obtener el complemento de una función.
El Teorema de Morgan se puede verificar por medio de tablas de verdad que asignan todos los valores posibles a X y Y. Ej:
(X' + Y') = X' x Y' y (X' x Y') = X' + Y'
XY X+Y (X' + Y') X Y X' Y' X' x Y'
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
Teorema 1: A + A = A
Teorema 2: A · A = A
Teorema 3: A + 0 = A
Teorema 4: A · 1 = A
Teorema 5: A · 0 = 0
Teorema 6: A + 1 = 1
Teorema 7: (A + B)' = A' · B'
Teorema 8: (A · B)' = A' + B'
Teorema 9: A + A · B = A
Teorema 10: A · (A + B) = A
Teorema 11: A + A'B = A + B
Teorema 12: A' · (A + B') = A'B'
Teorema 13: AB + AB' = A
Teorema 14: (A' + B') · (A' + B) = A'
Teorema 15: A + A' = 1
Teorema 16: A · A' = 0
Manipulación Algebráica:
El álgebra booleana es una herramienta útil para simplificar circuitos digitales considerese por ejemplo la siguiente función booleana:
F = X'YZ + X'YZ' + XZ
= X'Y (Z+Z') + XZ
= X'Y x 1 + XZ
= X'Y + XZ
Compuertas NAND y NOR
Además de las compuertas AND NOR hay otras en el mercado y se utilizan de forma extensiva en el diseño de circuitos digitales.
El circuito inversor invierte el sentido lógico de una señal binaria para producir la operación de complemento. El círculo pequeño en la salida del símbolo gráfico designa el complemento lógico. El símbolo del triángulo por sí solo designa un circuito buffer, el cual se utiliza para amplificar la señal eléctrica.
La compuerta NAND es el complemento de la operación AND. Su nombre es la abreviatura de Not AND. Se dice que estas compuertas son universales ya que se pueden representar cualquier operación lógica AN, OR y complemento.
Para facilitar la conversión a la lógica NAND conviene definir un símbolo gráfico alternativo para la compuerta. El símbolo AND inversión consta de un símbolo gráfico AND seguido de un símbolo pequeño. El símbolo inversión OR se apega al Teorema de Morgan y a la conversión de que los círculos pequeños denotan complementación.
Cuando se combinan ambos símbolos en el mismo diagrama, se dice que el circuito está en notación mixta.
Compuerta NOR:
Las compuertas NAND y NOR se utilizan ampliamente como compuertas lógicas estándar y de hecho son más populares que las compuertas AND y OR
Circuitos Lógicos e Integrados
Circuito lógico es aquel que maneja la información en forma de "1" y "0", dos niveles lógicos de voltaje fijos. "1" nivel alto o "high" y "0" nivel bajo o "low".
Un circuito integrado (CI) o chip, es una pastilla muy delgada en la que se encuentra una enorme cantidad (del orden de miles o millones) de dispositivos microelectrónicos interconectados, principalmente diodos ytransistores, además de componentes pasivos como resistencias o condensadores. Su área es de tamaño reducido, del orden de un cm² o inferior. Algunos de los circuitos integrados más avanzados son losmicroprocesadores, que son usados en múltiples artefactos, desde computadoras hasta electrodomésticos, pasando por los teléfonos móviles. Otra familia importante de circuitos integrados la constituyen las memorias digitales.
La diferencia entre los dos circuitos es que el Lógico complementa al Integrado.
Clasificación dependiendo a la estructura:
Atendiendo al nivel de integración - número de componentes - los circuitos integrados se clasifican en:
SSI (Small Scale Integration) pequeño nivel: inferior a 12
MSI (Medium Scale Integration) medio: 12 a 100
LSI (Large Scale Integration) grande: 100 a 1 000
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) muy grande: 10 000 a 99 999
ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) ultra grande: igual o superior a 100 000
Una placa de pruebas, también conocida como protoboard o breadboard, es una placa de uso genérico reutilizable o semi permanente, usado para construir prototipos de circuitos electrónicos con o sin soldadura. Normalmente se utilizan para la realización de pruebas experimentales
¿ Cómo se maneja?
1. - Un buen consejo es hacer conexion de las mitades de las secciones uno y
2. - La conexion entre nodos se hace mediante alambres, los cuales deben de ser
lo mas corto posible, a fin de evitar problemas de ruido en el circuito. En lo
posible deben de estar aislados, para evitar cortocircuitos por contactos con otros
3. - Al montar las componentes fijese muy bien en las polaridades, por ejemplo de
condensadores, y valores de pines de los integrados, asi como rangos de
operacion. Trate de ser ordenado en el armado, doblando correctamente pines y
4. - Si el circuito no funciona correctamente revise las alimentaciones y que los
cables de interconexion de nodos no esten sueltos o haciendo mal contacto.
Existe alta probabilidad de que esto ocurra. Si Ud considera que el circuito esta
bien ensamblado, y aun asi hay problemas, mueva el circuito dentro del proto -de
lugar- o utilize otro protoboard. Recuerde que todas las herramientas tienen una
vida util
5. - El protoborad tiene bastantes problemas de ruido por lo que no se
recomienda para alta frecuencia
6. - Finalmente recuerde que esta herramienta es para ensamblado temporal. Si
Ud desea mantaner el circuito llevelo a placa -PCB-, replicandolo, tratando en lo
posible de usar otras componentes, a fin de poder identificar posibles problemas
en la placa
1ª Cifra
2ª Cifra
x 10
x 102
x 103
x 104
x 105
x 106
x 107
x 108
x 109
x 10-1
x 10-2
Sin color
Tolerancia: sin indicación +/- 20%
CI 4011
¿Cuántas compuertas NAND contiene el CI?
Copia una imagen del interior del circuito
¿Cuáles pines tienen la función de entrada?
GND (normalmente la 1): es el polo negativo de la alimentación, generalmente tierra.
Disparo (normalmente la 2): Es en esta patilla, donde se establece el inicio del tiempo de retardo, si el 555 es configurado como monostable. Este proceso de disparo ocurre cuando este pin va por debajo del nivel de 1/3 del voltaje de alimentación. Este pulso debe ser de corta duración, pues si se mantiene bajo por mucho tiempo la salida se quedará en alto hasta que la entrada de disparo pase a alto otra vez.
Salida (normalmente la 3): Aquí veremos el resultado de la operación del temporizador, ya sea que esté conectado como monostable, astable u otro. Cuando la salida es alta, el voltaje será el voltaje de alimentación (Vcc) menos 1.7 Voltios. Esta salida se puede obligar a estar en casi 0 voltios con la ayuda de la patilla de reset (normalmente la 4).
Reset (normalmente la 4): Si se pone a un nivel por debajo de 0.7 Voltios, pone la patilla de salida a nivel bajo. Si por algún motivo esta patilla no se utiliza hay que conectarla a Vcc para evitar que el 555 se "resetee".
Control de voltaje (normalmente la 5): Cuando el temporizador se utiliza en el modo de controlador de voltaje, el voltaje en esta patilla puede variar casi desde Vcc (en la práctica como Vcc -1 voltio) hasta casi 0 V (aprox. 2 Voltios). Así es posible modificar los tiempos en que la salida está en alto o en bajo independiente del diseño (establecido por las resistencias y condensadores conectados externamente al 555). El voltaje aplicado a la patilla de control de voltaje puede variar entre un 45 y un 90 % de Vcc en la configuración monostable. Cuando se utiliza la configuración astable, el voltaje puede variar desde 1.7 voltios hasta Vcc. Modificando el voltaje en esta patilla en la configuración astable causará la frecuencia original del astable sea modulada en frecuencia (FM). Si esta patilla no se utiliza, se recomienda ponerle un condensador de 0.01μF para evitar las interferencias.
Umbral (normalmente la 6): Es una entrada a un comparador interno que tiene el 555 y se utiliza para poner la salida a nivel bajo.
Descarga (normalmente la 7): Utilizado para descargar con efectividad el condensador externo utilizado por el temporizador para su funcionamiento.
V+ (normalmente la 8): También llamado Vcc, alimentación, es el pin donde se conecta el voltaje de alimentación que va de 4.5 voltios hasta 16 voltios (máximo). Hay versiones militares de este integrado que llegan hasta 18 Voltios.
Networking en la Empresa
1.- Describe el modelo de diseño jerarquico de tres capas
Acces layer Provee conectividad a los host a otros hosts
distribution layer: Controla el flujo de la informacion
Core layer Es un soporte que permite altas velocidades
2.- ¿Cuales son los factores claves en el diseño de la red?
Optimizar el uso del ancho de banda, Asegurar el rendimiento y la seguridad de la red
3.- ¿Qué es un dominio de fallas?
Control sobre las diferentes divisiones de una red
Características de una LAN y una WAN en una empresa
- La organizacion se encarga de instalar y manejar la infraestructura
- El estandar utlizado comunmente es Ethernet
-Se enfoca en el Distribution layer y en el Access layer
-Conecta a los usuarios, y provee servicios
- Permite la coneccion de lugares geograficamente separados
-Requiere para su conexión un modem CSU/DSU para convertir los datos a un formato aceptable para la red
-Utiliza los servicios provistos por el ISP
-ISP se encarga de la infrastructura
4.- ¿Que son las intranet y extranet ?
Intranet: es unicamente para empleados designados por la empresa
Extranet una red intranet que permite la conexion de remotos
5.- ¿Qué es una VPN ?
Virtual Private network es una red que mejora la seguridad
6.- ¿Cuáles son los tipos de tráfico que se ven dentro de la red local de una empresa ?
VoIP, Video streaming, voice, email
7.- Define latencia
retraso entre el reenvio de los paquetes
8.- ¿Qué beneficios trae consigo el control del flujo de tráfico en una red ?
9.- La prevencion de retrasos en el flujo de paquetes mas importantes
10.- ¿Cómo se determinan los patrones de flujo de trafico?
En si están encriptados o no
11.- ¿Qué se utiliza para detectar tipos de tráfico desconocidos ?
Packet sniffer
12.- ¿Qué desventajas tiene el utilizar le proceso de acuse de recibo del TCP en el trafico de voz y video?
Que puede tener retrasos en la entrega y puede generar conversaciones interrumpidas y mala calidad de video
13.- Define la calidad de servicio
Es la garantia de que no se tengan interupciones en el servicio
14.- ¿Qué es una fluctuacion de fase?
Es un problema causado por la congestion de la red
15.- Menciona 5 ventajas del trabajo a dfistacia
Aprovechamiento de tiempo
Reduces costos
No es necesario inmobiliario determinado
Reduce estres
16.- ¿Cuales son las herramientas disponibles para los trabajadores a distancia?
Email, chat, desktop and application share, telnet, VoIP Videoconference
17.- ¿Qué aplicaciones seguras se utlizan en una Red privada virtual?
18.- ¿Que debe hacer un empleado a distancia para trabajar con una VPN?
Que el equipo que utilice tenga las herramientas para VPN
Cuestionario 2
1. ¿Cuales son los tipos de mapas y diagramas que existen para documentar una red?
Topologicos y fisicos
2. ¿ Menciona 2 características que consideres importantes del NOC?
Provee soporte a las direcciones locales y remotas
Maneja las redes locales y grandes
3. ¿Que plan debo de seguir si ocurre un desastre provocado por algun empleado dentro de la empresa?
Plan de continuidad de la empresa
4. ¿Qué información contienen los planos de control?
Proporcionan colectivamente un control de alto nivel para la mayoría de las funciones de IOS de Cisco
5. ¿Qué debo hacer para marcar las modificaciones realizadas dentro de un mapa de topología de red?
Los anteproyectos pueden estar marcados o coloreado en rojo para indicar las modificaciones
Es importante mantener y actualizar los mapas de topología física para facilitar futuras tareas de instalación y resolución de problemas.
registrar los nombres de los hosts, las direcciones, la información de los grupos y las aplicaciones.
6. ¿ A qué se refiere el nombre de proyecto terminado?
Es el diagrama que muestra el diseño original y cualquier cambio que se haya aplicado a la topología de la red
7. ¿Qué incluye el plan de mantenimiento?
NMP Network Maintenance Plan asegra la continuidad de la empresa mediante el cuidado y el funcionamiento eficiente de la red
8.- ¿Cuáles son las interfaces que tiene un router?
Las interfaces de routers usan las convenciones de controlador/interfaz o controlador/ranura/interfaz. Por ejemplo, al emplear la convención del controlador/interfaz, la primera interfaz de Fast Ethernet de un router posee la numeración Fa0/0 (controlador 0 e interfaz 0). La segunda es Fa0/1. La primera interfaz serial de un router que emplea controlador/ranura/interfaz es S0/0/0.
9.- ¿Qué otro nombre recibe el centro de datos?
10.- ¿Para qué sirve un IDF?
Instalación de distribución inmediata. Distribución de cables con multiples pares desde la trama de distribución principal
11.- ¿Qué significa RU?
Unidad de bastidor
12.- Si un administrador está configurando un router, ¿Qué tipo de administración de hardware se está utilizando?
-La administración fuera de banda
13.- ¿Cuál es el propósito de administrar el cableado de una red?
Crea un sistema de cableado organizado que los instaladores, administradores de red y cualquier otro técnico que trabaje con cables puede comprender fácilmente.
14.- ¿Durante qué periodos específicos debo realizar el mantenimiento de la red?
Durante las noches y los fines de semana, a fin de minimizar el impacto sobre las operaciones comerciales.
15.- ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un MDF y un IDF?
Un IDF depende de un MDF.
MDF más grandes, switches de alta velocidad, routers y ranjas de servidores
IDF suenta con switches, AP y hubs de menor velocidad
16.- ¿Qué función tiene un POP?
Conexión física entra una instalación de comunicación proporcionada por un ISP o empresa telefónica local y la instalación de distribución prinipal de una organizació.
Los servicios suministrados de modo externo que ingresan por el POP incluyen acceso a Internet, conexiones de área extensa y servicios telefónicos
17.- Menciona el nombre de un ataque externo que puede sufrir una red
Ataques de denegación de servicio (DoS, Denial of Service) impiden a los usuarios legítimos, dentro y fuera de la red, acceder a los recursos, lo que afecta la productividad de toda la empresa.
18.- ¿Qué funciones tiene un router dentro de una red?
Ofrecen contención de broadcast
Conectan ubicaciones remotas
Agrupan a los usuarios lógicamente de acuerdo con la aplicación o el departamento
19.- Escribe los comandos de visualización de un router.
Uso general:
-Show running-config
-Show startup-config
-Show version
En relación con el enrutamiento:
-show ip protocols
-show ip route
En relación con la interfaz:
-Show interfaces
-Show ip interface brief
-Show protocols
En relación con la conectividad:
-Show cdp neighbors
-Show sessions
-Show ssh
La Cibernética es la ciencia que se ocupa de los sistemas de control y de comunicación en las personas y en las máquinas, estudiando y aprovechando todos sus aspectos y mecanismos comunes.
La Cibernética según Gregory Barreson, es la rama de las matemáticas que se encarga de los problemas de control, recursividad e información.
Stafford Beer define a la Cibernética como la ciencia de la organización efectiva.
El nacimiento de la cibernética se estableción en 1942 en Nueva York, 5 años más tarde Norbet Wiener propuso el nombre de Cibernética derivado de una palabra griega.
Permite la Organización de máquinas capaces de reaccionar y operar con más presisión y rapidez que los seres vivos.
- Conjunto de elementos interrelacionados e interactuantes entre sí. El concepto tien 2 usos muy diferenciados, que se refieren respectivamente a los sistemas de conceptos y a los objetos reales más o menos complejos y dotados de la organización.
- Conjunto de entidades caracterizadas por ciertos atributos, que tienen relaciones entre sí y estan localizadas en un cierto ambiente, de acuerdo con un cierto objetivo.
- Blanchard lo define como una combinación de medios (personas, materiales, equipos, software, instalaciones, etc) integrados de forma tal que puedan desarrollar una determinada función en respuesta a una necesidad concreta.
Tipos de Sistemas
Sistemas Conceptuales o Ideales: Es un conjunto de definiciones, nombres, símbolos y otros instrumentos de pensamiento o comunicación. Ej: matemáticas, lógica formal y notación musical.
Sistemas Reales: Es una entidad material formada por partes organizadas que interactúan entre sí de manera que las propiedades del conjunto no pueden deducirse por completo de las propiedades de las partes.
Sistemas físicos o concretos: compuestos por equipos, maquinaria, objetos y cosas reales. El hardware.
Sistemas abstractos: compuestos por conceptos, planes, hipótesis e ideas. Muchas veces solo existen en el pensamiento de las personas. Es el software.
Sistemas cerrados: no presentan intercambio con el medio ambiente que los rodea, son herméticos a cualquier influencia ambiental. No reciben ningún recurso externo y no producen nada que sea enviado hacia fuera. En rigor, no existen sistemas cerrados. Se da el nombre de sistema cerrado a aquellos sistemas cuyo comportamiento es determinístico y programado y que opera con muy pequeño intercambio de energía y materia con el ambiente. Se aplica el término a los sistemas completamente estructurados, donde los elementos y relaciones se combinan de una manera peculiar y rígida produciendo una salida invariable, como las máquinas.
Sistemas abiertos: presentan intercambio con el ambiente, a través de entradas y salidas. Intercambian energía y materia con el ambiente. Son adaptativos para sobrevivir. Su estructura es óptima cuando el conjunto de elementos del sistema se organiza, aproximándose a una operación adaptativa. La adaptabilidad es un continuo proceso de aprendizaje y de auto-organización.
Sistemas de Control
La cibernética es una teoría de la comunicación y del control, a través de la retroalimentación del funcionamiento de los sistemas; esto tanto en las máquinas como en sistemas naturales, especialmente los sistemas biológicos como organismos, células o ecosistemas.
El término procede del griego Kubernites que se refiere al timonel, el cual gobierna la embarcación.
Los sistemas de control según la teoría cibernética se aplican en escencia para los organismos vivos, las máquinas y las organizaciones. Estos sistemas fueron relacionados por primera vez en 1948 por Norbert Wiener en su obra "Cibernética y Sociedad" con la aplicación en la teoría de los mecanismos de control.
Un sistema de control se define como un conjunto de componentes que pueden regular su propia conducta o la de otro sistema con el fin de lograrun modo conveniente para su supervivencia.
Clasificación de los sistemas de control
- Sistema de Control de Lazo Abierto: Es aquel en el que la acción de control está muy relacionada con la entrada, pero su efecto es independiente de la salida. Estos sistemas se caracterizan por tener la capacidad para poder establecerles una relación entre la entrada y la salida con el fin de lograr la exactitud deseada y nunca tienen el problema de la inestabilidad. Un ejemplo es el acelerador de un coche o una lavadora.
- Sistema de Control de Lazo cerrado:
La acción de control está en cierto modo muy dependiente de la salida, estos sistemas se caracterizan por su propiedad de retroalimentación. Ej. coche con frenos ABS.
Tipos de Sistemas de Control
Los sistemas de control se agrupan en 3 tipos básicos:
1.- Hechos por el hombre
2.- Naturales, incluyendo sistemas biológicos
3.- Cuyos componentes están unos hechos por el hombre y los otros naturales.
Características de un Sistema de Control
1.- Entrada: Considera como un estímulo aplicado a un sistema desde una fuente de energía externa, con el propósito de que el sistema tenga una respuesta específica.
2.- Salida: Respuesta obtenida por el sistema que puede o no relacionarse con la respuesta que implicaba la entrada.
3.- Variable: Es el elemento que se desea controlar.
4.- Mecanismos Sensores: Son aquellos receptores que miden las variaciones o cambios que se producen en la variable.
5.- Medios Motores: Son las partes que influyen en la acción de producir un cambio de orden correctivo.
6.- Fuente de Energía: Es la que entrega la energía necesaria para generar cualquier tipo de actividad dentro del sistema.
7.- Retroalimentación: Es una característica importante de los sistemas de control del Lazo Cerrado.
Sistema de control: Horno de microondas
Entrada: La comida que se mete por la puerta para calentarse
Salida: Los alimentos ya calientes, listos para comerse
Variable: Tiempo, intensidad de calor, cantidad de comida, tipo de comida
Mecanismos Sensores: Cronómetro Digital, Termómetro Interno
Mecanismos Motores: Calor, rotación del plato que sostiene la comida, Radiación y electricidad
Fuente de Energía: Electricidad
Retroalimentación: El sonido que hace cuando ya está lista la comida
La Ingeniería en los Sistemas de Control
Los problemas considerados en la Ingeniería de los sistemas de control, básicamente se tratan mediante 2 pasos fundamentales, como son:
1.- El análisis
2.- El diseño
En el análisis se investigan las características de un sistema existente, mientras que en el diseño se escogen y arreglan los componentes del sistema de control para la posterior ejecución de una tarea particular.
La representación de los problemas en los sistemas de control se lleva a cabo mediante tres representaciones básicas o modelos:
1.- Ecuaciones diferenciales y otras relaciones matemáticas.
2.- Diagramas en Bloque
3.- Gráficas en flujo de análisis
Los diagramas y las gráficas de flujo son representaciones que pretenden acortar el proceso correctivo del sistema, sin importar si está caracterizado de manera esquemática o mediante ecuaciones matemáticas.
Las ecuaciones diferenciales se emplean cuando se requieren relaciones detalladas del sistema.
Cada sistema de control se puede representar teóricamente por sus ecuaciones matemáticas.
Representación de la realidad por medio de abstracciones. Los modelos enfocan ciertas partes importantes de un sistema (por lo menos, aquella que le interesan a un tipo de modelo específico), restándole importancia a otras.
Los modelos son creados empleando herramientas de modelado.
Modelo Natural: Es un modelo que hace sobre las cosas físicas ya existententes en la naturaleza
Modelo artificial: Es un modelo creado para algo inventado por el hombre
Modelo Análogo:procedimiento de transferir (es decir, duplicar y revisar) un modelo desde un "sistema" al otro
Modelo Digital: Es un modelo en el cual, para su realización, se utiliza tecnología.
Modelo Híbrido: Es el combina varios modelos
Modelo Matemático: se basa en expresar utilizando los instrumentos de la teoría matemática, declaraciones, relaciones, proposiciones sustantivas de hechos o de contenidos simbólicos: están implicadas variables, parámetros, entidades y relaciones entre variables y/o entidades u operaciones, para estudiar comportamientos de sistemas complejos ante situaciones difíciles de observar en la realidad
Sistema Binario
Sistema de numeración en el cual se utilizan solamente
a) 51.59375=00110011.10011
b) 116=01110100
c) 11010011.101=211.625
d) 11101001=233
e) 125.6875=01111101.1011
f) 1110=14
Sistema Octal
El sistema numérico con base 8 se llama Octal y utiliza los dígitos del 0 al 7.
Los números octales pueden construirse a partir de números binarios agrupando cada 3 dígitos consecutivos (de derecha a izquierda) y obteniendo su valor decimal.
En Informática a veces se utiliza la numeración octal en vez de la hexadecimal. Tiene la ventaja de que no requiere otros símbolos diferentes de los dígitos.
1.- ¿Qué es un protocolo de enrutamiento?
Son aquellos que determinan la ruta que va a seguir un paquete a través de una red para llegar a su destino.
2.- ¿Cuáles son los 2 algoritmos más ocupados en internet?
- Algoritmo Vector de Distancias: Ej RIP y IGRP
- Algoritmo de Estado de Enlace: OSPF IS-IS
3.- Cómo se configura RIP en un router? Explica cada línea
Primero poner el comando ·router rip en la configuración global.
Segundo.- Poner el comando de la red para establecer que redes van a ser parte del RIP.
Tercer. Copnfigurar la otra interface.
Cuarto.- Especificar la versión del RIP.
4.- ¿Qué es el modelo OSI?
Es un modelo de arquitectura para el Internet que actualmente se utiliza más como método de enseñanza que como una estructura a aplicar efectivamente en Internet.
5.- ¿cuáles son las capas del modelo OSI y qué hace cada una de ellas?
1.- Capa física: Se encarga de las conecciones físicas de la computadora a la red.
2.- Capa de Enlace de Datos: se ocupa del direccionamiento físico, de la topología de la red, del acceso a la red, de la notificación de errores, de la distribución ordenada de tramas y del control del flujo.
3.- Capa de Red: hacer que los datos lleguen desde el origen al destino, aún cuando ambos no estén conectados directamente
4.- Capa de Transporte: aceptar los datos enviados por las capas superiores, dividirlos en pequeñas partes si es necesario, y pasarlos a la capa de red. En el caso del modelo OSI, también se asegura que lleguen correctamente al otro lado de la comunicación
5.- Capa de Sesión: establece, gestiona y finaliza las conexiones entre usuarios (procesos o aplicaciones) finales.
6.- Capa de Presentación: encargarse de la representación de la información, de manera que aunque distintos equipos puedan tener diferentes representaciones internas de caracteres (ASCII, Unicode, EBCDIC), números (little-endian tipo Intel, big-endian tipo Motorola), sonido o imágenes, los datos lleguen de manera reconocible.
7.- Capa de Aplicación: Ofrece a las aplicaciones (de usuario o no) la posibilidad de acceder a los servicios de las demás capas y define los protocolos que utilizan las aplicaciones para intercambiar datos, como correo electrónico (POP y SMTP), gestores de bases de datos y servidor de ficheros (FTP).
6.- ¿Cuántas clases de direcciones IP existen y qué rango utilizan?
- A: 1-127
- B: 128-191
- C: 192-233
- D: 224-239
- E: 240-255
Sistema Hexadecimal
Es el sistema de numeración posicional de base 16. Su uso actual está muy vinculado a la informática, pues las computadoras utilizan el byte u octeto como unidad básica de memoria y 2 dígitos hexadecimales corresponden exactamente a un byte.
El conjunto de símbolos a utilizar es del 0-9, A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15
Cuestionario 2:
1.- Definición de NAT y PAT
NAT= Network Address Translation
PAT= Port-Based Address Translation
2.- COnfiguración de NAT y PAT
La NAT dinámica está diseñada para mapear una dirección IP privada a una dirección pública de entre un pool de direcciones públicas ya establecido. Es decir, Cualquier dirección IP pública de este pool se asigna a un host de la red interna.
1. Primero deberemos definir un almacén o pool de direcciones (que serán las direcciones públicas que nos asigne nuestro ISP)
Router#config t
Router(config)# ip nat pool 1 netmask
2. Crear una lista de acceso estándard que permita las direcciones internas que se deben traducir.
Router(config)# access-list 1 permit
3.Configurar la NAT dinámica basada en la dirección de origen especificando la lista de acceso definida en el paso anterior.
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool 1
4.Especificar la interfaz interna y marcarla como conectada al interior.
Router(config)# interface e0
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
Router(config-if)# exit
5.Especificar la interfaz externa y marcarla como conectada al exterior.
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config)# ip nat outside
Comandos para verificación de la tabla NAT
Show ip nat translations
Show ip nat statistics
debug ip nat
La forma más utilizada de NAT proviene del NAT dinámico, ya que toma múltiples direcciones IP privadas y las traduce a una única dirección IP pública utilizando diferentes puertos. Esto se conoce también como PAT (Port Address Translation), NAT de única dirección , NAT multiplexado a nivel de puerto o sobrecarga (overload).
1. Primero deberemos definir una lista de acceso IP estándard que permita las direcciones locales internas que se deben traducir:
Router(config)# access-list 1 permit
2. Establecer la traducción dinámica de origen, especificando la lista de acceso definida en el paso anterior.
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 interface serial0/0 overload
nota: “la palabra overload habilita PAT”
3. Especificar la dirección global como un conjunto que se usará para la sobrecarga.
Router(config)# ip nat pool 1 netmask
4. Establecer la traducción de sobrecarga:
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 1 pool 1 overload
5. Especificar la interfaz interna y marcarla como conectada al interior.
Router(config)# interface e0
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
Router(config-if)# exit
6. Especificar la interfaz externa y marcarla como conectada al exterior.
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside
Router(config-if)# exit
3.- Definición de los comandos show con ejemplos
show interfaces
Muestra las estadísticas completas de todas las interfaces del router. Para ver las estadísticas de una interfaz específica, ejecute el comando show interfaces seguido de la interfaz específica y el número de puerto.
Por ejemplo:
Router#show interfaces serial 0/1
show controllers serial
Muestra información específica de la interfaz de hardware. El comando debe incluir el número de puerto y/o de ranura de la interfaz.
Por ejemplo:
Router#show controllers serial 0/1
• show clock
Muestra la hora fijada en el router
• show hosts
Muestra la lista en caché de los nombres de host y sus direcciones
• show users
Muestra todos los usuarios conectados al router
• show history
Muestra un historial de los comandos ingresados
• show flash
Muestra información acerca de la memoria flash y cuáles archivos IOS se encuentran almacenados allí
• show version
Despliega la información acerca del router y de la imagen de IOS que esté corriendo en al RAM. Este comando también muestra el valor del registro de configuración del router
• show ARP
Muestra la tabla ARP del router
• show protocols
Muestra el estado global y por interfaz de cualquier protocolo de capa 3 que haya sido configurado
• show startup-config
Muestra el archivo de configuración almacenado en la NVRAM
• show running-config
Muestra el contenido del archivo de configuración activo o la configuración para una interfaz específica.
4.- ¿Qué es? ¿Cómo funciona?
DHCP=Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Solicita y asigna una dirección IP una Puerta de Enlace y la dirección de un DNS a un host
DNS= Domain Name Service. Traduce direcciones IP en direcciones legibles y fáciles de recordar.
TCP/IP= Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. Es un protocolo que marca el modo en el que debe estar oraganizada una red y cómo debe correr la misma.
5.- Diferencia entre la configuración de un switch y router
a) Para la configuración inicial del Switch se utiliza el puerto de consola conectado a un cable transpuesto o de consola y un adaptador RJ-45 a DB-9 para conectarse al puerto COM1 del ordenador. La asignación de un nombre exclusivo al Switch y las contraseñas correspondientes se realiza en el modo de configuración global. Para configurar la dirección IP a un switch se debe hacer sobre una interfaz de vlan. Por defecto la VLAN 1 es vlan nativa del switch, al asignar un direccionamiento a la interfaz vlan 1 se podrá administrar el dispositivo vía telnet.
b) La configuración del router es un aparte fundamental del proceso de conseguir buenas velocidades con los programs p2
6.- Diferencis rntre TCP y UDP
El TCP hace que lleguen todos los paquetes a su destino e interrumpe el flujo si algún paquete no llega.
El UDP sólo manda los paquetes sin importarle si llegan bien o no, por tanto nop se interrumpe.
7.- ¿CUáles son los servicios y protocolos de Internet?
La familia de protocolos de Internet es un conjunto de protocolos de red en la que se basa Internet y que permiten la transmisión de datos entre redes de computadoras. En ocasiones se le denomina conjunto de protocolos TCP/IP, en referencia a los dos protocolos más importantes que la componen: (TCP) y (IP), que fueron los dos primeros en definirse, y que son los más utilizados de la familia. Existen tantos protocolos en este conjunto que llegan a ser más de 100 diferentes, entre ellos se encuentra el popular (HyperText Transfer Protocol), que es el que se utiliza para acceder a las páginas web, además de otros como el (Address Resolution Protocol) para la resolución de direcciones, el (File Transfer Protocol) para transferencia de archivos, y el (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) y el (Post Office Protocol) para correo electrónico, TELNET para acceder a equipos remotos, entre otros.
Circuitos Lógicos y Compuertas
Los circuitos digitales son componentes del Hardware que manipulan información binaria. Los circuitos se constituyen con partes electrónicas como transistores, diodos y resistores.
Cada circuito recibe el nombre de compuerta, la cual realiza una operación lógica específica y la salida de una compuerta se aplica a las entradas de otras para así formar el circuito digital requerido.
Para describir las propiedades operacionales de los circuitos digitales, es necesario presentar el sistema matemático llamado Álgebra Booleana, en honor del matemático inglés George Boole, que especifica la operación de cada compuerta.
El álgebra Booleana también se utiliza para describir la interconección de compuertas digitales y para transformar diagramas de circuitos en expresiones algebráicas.
Lógica Binaria:
Tiene que ver con variables que asumen 2 valores discretos y con operaciones que asumen un significado lógico. Los 2 valores que toman son 1 y 0 y su nombre es designado por letras del alfabeto.
Existen 3 operaciones lógicas asociadas con los valores binarios llamados AND, OR, NOT
AND: Represento un producto lógico, Su símbolo es un punto (·)
Tabla de verdad puerta ANDEntrada AEntrada BSalida AB
Tabla de verdad puerta AND
Entrada A Entrada B Salida AB
OR: realiza la operación de suma lógica. Su símbolo es +
Tabla de verdad puerta OR
Entrada A Entrada B Salida A + B
NOR: realiza la operación de suma lógica negada. Su símbolo es (–)
Tabla de verdad puerta NOR
Entrada A Entrada B Salida
NOT: inversión o negación de una variable lógica. Su símbolo es (–)
Tabla de verdad puerta NOT
Entrada A Salida
Compuertas Lógicas
Son circuitos electrónicos que operan con una o más señales de entrada para producir 1 señal de salida.
Las compuertas son bloques de Hardware que producen el equivalente de señales de salida 1 y 0 lógicos, si se satisfacen requisitos de lógica de entrada. Las señales de entrada x y pueden existir en las compuertas AND y OR en 1 de los 4 estados posibles: 00, 01, 10, 11.
Las compuertas AND y OR pueden tener más de 2 entradas. AND de 3 entradas responde con una salida de 1 lógico si las 3 entradas son 1, de lo contrario la salida será 0. La compuerta OR de 4 entradas responde con un 1 lógico si alguna entrada es 1 su salida se convierte en 0 sólo cuando sus entradas son 0.
Identidades Básicas del Álgebra Booleana
Existen 17 diferentes identidades del álgebra booleana, las cuáles nos ayudan a simplificar las ecuaciones o diagramas booleanos.
9 de estas identidades muestran una relación entre una variable x, su complemento y las constantes binarias 0 y 1.
5 más son similares al álgebra ordinaria y otras 3 son muy útiles para la manipulación de expresiones booleanas aunque no tengan que ver con el álgebra booleana.
Dentro de estas identidades tenemos dualidad, esto se obtiene simplemente intercambiando operaciones OR y AND y remplazando 1s por 0s.
Las leyes orientativas en la cual se escriben las variables no afectaran el resultado cuando se utilicen las operaciones OR y AND.
Las leyes asociativas postulan que el resultado de formar una operación entre 3 variables es independiente del orden que se siga y por tanto pueden eliminarse todos los paréntesis.
También se suele ocupar el Teorema De Morgan, el cual es muy importante ya que se aplica para obtener el complemento de una función.
El Teorema de Morgan se puede verificar por medio de tablas de verdad que asignan todos los valores posibles a X y Y. Ej:
(X' + Y') = X' x Y' y (X' x Y') = X' + Y'
XY X+Y (X' + Y') X Y X' Y' X' x Y'
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
Teorema 1: A + A = A
Teorema 2: A · A = A
Teorema 3: A + 0 = A
Teorema 4: A · 1 = A
Teorema 5: A · 0 = 0
Teorema 6: A + 1 = 1
Teorema 7: (A + B)' = A' · B'
Teorema 8: (A · B)' = A' + B'
Teorema 9: A + A · B = A
Teorema 10: A · (A + B) = A
Teorema 11: A + A'B = A + B
Teorema 12: A' · (A + B') = A'B'
Teorema 13: AB + AB' = A
Teorema 14: (A' + B') · (A' + B) = A'
Teorema 15: A + A' = 1
Teorema 16: A · A' = 0
Manipulación Algebráica:
El álgebra booleana es una herramienta útil para simplificar circuitos digitales considerese por ejemplo la siguiente función booleana:
F = X'YZ + X'YZ' + XZ
= X'Y (Z+Z') + XZ
= X'Y x 1 + XZ
= X'Y + XZ
Compuertas NAND y NOR
Además de las compuertas AND NOR hay otras en el mercado y se utilizan de forma extensiva en el diseño de circuitos digitales.
El circuito inversor invierte el sentido lógico de una señal binaria para producir la operación de complemento. El círculo pequeño en la salida del símbolo gráfico designa el complemento lógico. El símbolo del triángulo por sí solo designa un circuito buffer, el cual se utiliza para amplificar la señal eléctrica.
La compuerta NAND es el complemento de la operación AND. Su nombre es la abreviatura de Not AND. Se dice que estas compuertas son universales ya que se pueden representar cualquier operación lógica AN, OR y complemento.
Para facilitar la conversión a la lógica NAND conviene definir un símbolo gráfico alternativo para la compuerta. El símbolo AND inversión consta de un símbolo gráfico AND seguido de un símbolo pequeño. El símbolo inversión OR se apega al Teorema de Morgan y a la conversión de que los círculos pequeños denotan complementación.
Cuando se combinan ambos símbolos en el mismo diagrama, se dice que el circuito está en notación mixta.
Compuerta NOR:
Las compuertas NAND y NOR se utilizan ampliamente como compuertas lógicas estándar y de hecho son más populares que las compuertas AND y OR
Circuitos Lógicos e Integrados
Circuito lógico es aquel que maneja la información en forma de "1" y "0", dos niveles lógicos de voltaje fijos. "1" nivel alto o "high" y "0" nivel bajo o "low".
Un circuito integrado (CI) o chip, es una pastilla muy delgada en la que se encuentra una enorme cantidad (del orden de miles o millones) de dispositivos microelectrónicos interconectados, principalmente diodos ytransistores, además de componentes pasivos como resistencias o condensadores. Su área es de tamaño reducido, del orden de un cm² o inferior. Algunos de los circuitos integrados más avanzados son losmicroprocesadores, que son usados en múltiples artefactos, desde computadoras hasta electrodomésticos, pasando por los teléfonos móviles. Otra familia importante de circuitos integrados la constituyen las memorias digitales.
La diferencia entre los dos circuitos es que el Lógico complementa al Integrado.
Clasificación dependiendo a la estructura:
Atendiendo al nivel de integración - número de componentes - los circuitos integrados se clasifican en:
SSI (Small Scale Integration) pequeño nivel: inferior a 12
MSI (Medium Scale Integration) medio: 12 a 100
LSI (Large Scale Integration) grande: 100 a 1 000
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) muy grande: 10 000 a 99 999
ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) ultra grande: igual o superior a 100 000
Una placa de pruebas, también conocida como protoboard o breadboard, es una placa de uso genérico reutilizable o semi permanente, usado para construir prototipos de circuitos electrónicos con o sin soldadura. Normalmente se utilizan para la realización de pruebas experimentales
¿ Cómo se maneja?
1. - Un buen consejo es hacer conexion de las mitades de las secciones uno y
2. - La conexion entre nodos se hace mediante alambres, los cuales deben de ser
lo mas corto posible, a fin de evitar problemas de ruido en el circuito. En lo
posible deben de estar aislados, para evitar cortocircuitos por contactos con otros
3. - Al montar las componentes fijese muy bien en las polaridades, por ejemplo de
condensadores, y valores de pines de los integrados, asi como rangos de
operacion. Trate de ser ordenado en el armado, doblando correctamente pines y
4. - Si el circuito no funciona correctamente revise las alimentaciones y que los
cables de interconexion de nodos no esten sueltos o haciendo mal contacto.
Existe alta probabilidad de que esto ocurra. Si Ud considera que el circuito esta
bien ensamblado, y aun asi hay problemas, mueva el circuito dentro del proto -de
lugar- o utilize otro protoboard. Recuerde que todas las herramientas tienen una
vida util
5. - El protoborad tiene bastantes problemas de ruido por lo que no se
recomienda para alta frecuencia
6. - Finalmente recuerde que esta herramienta es para ensamblado temporal. Si
Ud desea mantaner el circuito llevelo a placa -PCB-, replicandolo, tratando en lo
posible de usar otras componentes, a fin de poder identificar posibles problemas
en la placa
1ª Cifra
2ª Cifra
x 10
x 102
x 103
x 104
x 105
x 106
x 107
x 108
x 109
x 10-1
x 10-2
Sin color
Tolerancia: sin indicación +/- 20%
CI 4011
¿Cuántas compuertas NAND contiene el CI?
Copia una imagen del interior del circuito
¿Cuáles pines tienen la función de entrada?
GND (normalmente la 1): es el polo negativo de la alimentación, generalmente tierra.
Disparo (normalmente la 2): Es en esta patilla, donde se establece el inicio del tiempo de retardo, si el 555 es configurado como monostable. Este proceso de disparo ocurre cuando este pin va por debajo del nivel de 1/3 del voltaje de alimentación. Este pulso debe ser de corta duración, pues si se mantiene bajo por mucho tiempo la salida se quedará en alto hasta que la entrada de disparo pase a alto otra vez.
Salida (normalmente la 3): Aquí veremos el resultado de la operación del temporizador, ya sea que esté conectado como monostable, astable u otro. Cuando la salida es alta, el voltaje será el voltaje de alimentación (Vcc) menos 1.7 Voltios. Esta salida se puede obligar a estar en casi 0 voltios con la ayuda de la patilla de reset (normalmente la 4).
Reset (normalmente la 4): Si se pone a un nivel por debajo de 0.7 Voltios, pone la patilla de salida a nivel bajo. Si por algún motivo esta patilla no se utiliza hay que conectarla a Vcc para evitar que el 555 se "resetee".
Control de voltaje (normalmente la 5): Cuando el temporizador se utiliza en el modo de controlador de voltaje, el voltaje en esta patilla puede variar casi desde Vcc (en la práctica como Vcc -1 voltio) hasta casi 0 V (aprox. 2 Voltios). Así es posible modificar los tiempos en que la salida está en alto o en bajo independiente del diseño (establecido por las resistencias y condensadores conectados externamente al 555). El voltaje aplicado a la patilla de control de voltaje puede variar entre un 45 y un 90 % de Vcc en la configuración monostable. Cuando se utiliza la configuración astable, el voltaje puede variar desde 1.7 voltios hasta Vcc. Modificando el voltaje en esta patilla en la configuración astable causará la frecuencia original del astable sea modulada en frecuencia (FM). Si esta patilla no se utiliza, se recomienda ponerle un condensador de 0.01μF para evitar las interferencias.
Umbral (normalmente la 6): Es una entrada a un comparador interno que tiene el 555 y se utiliza para poner la salida a nivel bajo.
Descarga (normalmente la 7): Utilizado para descargar con efectividad el condensador externo utilizado por el temporizador para su funcionamiento.
V+ (normalmente la 8): También llamado Vcc, alimentación, es el pin donde se conecta el voltaje de alimentación que va de 4.5 voltios hasta 16 voltios (máximo). Hay versiones militares de este integrado que llegan hasta 18 Voltios.
Networking en la Empresa
1.- Describe el modelo de diseño jerarquico de tres capas
Acces layer Provee conectividad a los host a otros hosts
distribution layer: Controla el flujo de la informacion
Core layer Es un soporte que permite altas velocidades
2.- ¿Cuales son los factores claves en el diseño de la red?
Optimizar el uso del ancho de banda, Asegurar el rendimiento y la seguridad de la red
3.- ¿Qué es un dominio de fallas?
Control sobre las diferentes divisiones de una red
Características de una LAN y una WAN en una empresa
- La organizacion se encarga de instalar y manejar la infraestructura
- El estandar utlizado comunmente es Ethernet
-Se enfoca en el Distribution layer y en el Access layer
-Conecta a los usuarios, y provee servicios
- Permite la coneccion de lugares geograficamente separados
-Requiere para su conexión un modem CSU/DSU para convertir los datos a un formato aceptable para la red
-Utiliza los servicios provistos por el ISP
-ISP se encarga de la infrastructura
4.- ¿Que son las intranet y extranet ?
Intranet: es unicamente para empleados designados por la empresa
Extranet una red intranet que permite la conexion de remotos
5.- ¿Qué es una VPN ?
Virtual Private network es una red que mejora la seguridad
6.- ¿Cuáles son los tipos de tráfico que se ven dentro de la red local de una empresa ?
VoIP, Video streaming, voice, email
7.- Define latencia
retraso entre el reenvio de los paquetes
8.- ¿Qué beneficios trae consigo el control del flujo de tráfico en una red ?
9.- La prevencion de retrasos en el flujo de paquetes mas importantes
10.- ¿Cómo se determinan los patrones de flujo de trafico?
En si están encriptados o no
11.- ¿Qué se utiliza para detectar tipos de tráfico desconocidos ?
Packet sniffer
12.- ¿Qué desventajas tiene el utilizar le proceso de acuse de recibo del TCP en el trafico de voz y video?
Que puede tener retrasos en la entrega y puede generar conversaciones interrumpidas y mala calidad de video
13.- Define la calidad de servicio
Es la garantia de que no se tengan interupciones en el servicio
14.- ¿Qué es una fluctuacion de fase?
Es un problema causado por la congestion de la red
15.- Menciona 5 ventajas del trabajo a dfistacia
Aprovechamiento de tiempo
Reduces costos
No es necesario inmobiliario determinado
Reduce estres
16.- ¿Cuales son las herramientas disponibles para los trabajadores a distancia?
Email, chat, desktop and application share, telnet, VoIP Videoconference
17.- ¿Qué aplicaciones seguras se utlizan en una Red privada virtual?
18.- ¿Que debe hacer un empleado a distancia para trabajar con una VPN?
Que el equipo que utilice tenga las herramientas para VPN
Cuestionario 2
1. ¿Cuales son los tipos de mapas y diagramas que existen para documentar una red?
Topologicos y fisicos
2. ¿ Menciona 2 características que consideres importantes del NOC?
Provee soporte a las direcciones locales y remotas
Maneja las redes locales y grandes
3. ¿Que plan debo de seguir si ocurre un desastre provocado por algun empleado dentro de la empresa?
Plan de continuidad de la empresa
4. ¿Qué información contienen los planos de control?
Proporcionan colectivamente un control de alto nivel para la mayoría de las funciones de IOS de Cisco
5. ¿Qué debo hacer para marcar las modificaciones realizadas dentro de un mapa de topología de red?
Los anteproyectos pueden estar marcados o coloreado en rojo para indicar las modificaciones
Es importante mantener y actualizar los mapas de topología física para facilitar futuras tareas de instalación y resolución de problemas.
registrar los nombres de los hosts, las direcciones, la información de los grupos y las aplicaciones.
6. ¿ A qué se refiere el nombre de proyecto terminado?
Es el diagrama que muestra el diseño original y cualquier cambio que se haya aplicado a la topología de la red
7. ¿Qué incluye el plan de mantenimiento?
NMP Network Maintenance Plan asegra la continuidad de la empresa mediante el cuidado y el funcionamiento eficiente de la red
8.- ¿Cuáles son las interfaces que tiene un router?
Las interfaces de routers usan las convenciones de controlador/interfaz o controlador/ranura/interfaz. Por ejemplo, al emplear la convención del controlador/interfaz, la primera interfaz de Fast Ethernet de un router posee la numeración Fa0/0 (controlador 0 e interfaz 0). La segunda es Fa0/1. La primera interfaz serial de un router que emplea controlador/ranura/interfaz es S0/0/0.
9.- ¿Qué otro nombre recibe el centro de datos?
10.- ¿Para qué sirve un IDF?
Instalación de distribución inmediata. Distribución de cables con multiples pares desde la trama de distribución principal
11.- ¿Qué significa RU?
Unidad de bastidor
12.- Si un administrador está configurando un router, ¿Qué tipo de administración de hardware se está utilizando?
-La administración fuera de banda
13.- ¿Cuál es el propósito de administrar el cableado de una red?
Crea un sistema de cableado organizado que los instaladores, administradores de red y cualquier otro técnico que trabaje con cables puede comprender fácilmente.
14.- ¿Durante qué periodos específicos debo realizar el mantenimiento de la red?
Durante las noches y los fines de semana, a fin de minimizar el impacto sobre las operaciones comerciales.
15.- ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un MDF y un IDF?
Un IDF depende de un MDF.
MDF más grandes, switches de alta velocidad, routers y ranjas de servidores
IDF suenta con switches, AP y hubs de menor velocidad
16.- ¿Qué función tiene un POP?
Conexión física entra una instalación de comunicación proporcionada por un ISP o empresa telefónica local y la instalación de distribución prinipal de una organizació.
Los servicios suministrados de modo externo que ingresan por el POP incluyen acceso a Internet, conexiones de área extensa y servicios telefónicos
17.- Menciona el nombre de un ataque externo que puede sufrir una red
Ataques de denegación de servicio (DoS, Denial of Service) impiden a los usuarios legítimos, dentro y fuera de la red, acceder a los recursos, lo que afecta la productividad de toda la empresa.
18.- ¿Qué funciones tiene un router dentro de una red?
Ofrecen contención de broadcast
Conectan ubicaciones remotas
Agrupan a los usuarios lógicamente de acuerdo con la aplicación o el departamento
19.- Escribe los comandos de visualización de un router.
Uso general:
-Show running-config
-Show startup-config
-Show version
En relación con el enrutamiento:
-show ip protocols
-show ip route
En relación con la interfaz:
-Show interfaces
-Show ip interface brief
-Show protocols
En relación con la conectividad:
-Show cdp neighbors
-Show sessions
-Show ssh
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008
viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008
cuestionari practica de halloween
router> enable
router> config t
router# enable secret s
router# hostname 1
1# enable password c
1# enable secret class
1(config)# line console 0
1(config)# password cisco
1(config)# login
1(config)# line vty 0 4
1(config)# password c
1(config)# login
1(config)# int serial 0/0/0
1(config-if)# ip address
1(config-if)# no shutdown
1(config-if)# exit
1(config)# int FastEthernet 0/0
1(config-if)# ip address
1(config-if)# no shutdown
1(config-if)# exit
1(config)# router rip
1(config)# version 2
1(config)# network
1(config)# network
router> enable
router> config t
router# enable secret s
router# hostname 2
2# enable password c
2# enable secret class
2(config)# line console 0
2(config)# password cisco
2(config)# login
2(config)# line vty 0 4
2(config)# password c
2(config)# login
2(config)# int serial 0/0/0
2(config-if)# ip address
2(config-if)# no shutdown
2(config-if)# exit
2(config)# int FastEthernet 0/0
2(config-if)# ip address
2(config-if)# no shutdown
2(config-if)# exit
2(config)# router rip
2(config)# version 2
2(config)# network
2(config)# network
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#hostname SWITCH1
SWITCH1(config)#enable password SS
SWITCH1(config)#enable secret HU
SWITCH1(config)#line console 0
SWITCH1(config-line)#password SS
SWITCH1(config)#line vty 0 4
SWITCH1(config-line)#password HU
SWITCH1(config)#interface vlan 1
SWITCH1(config-vlan)#ip address
SWITCH1(config-vlan)#no shutdown
SWITCH1(config)#ip default-gateway[IP de gateway]
HOST#configure terminal
HOST(config)#ip host HOST1
HOST1(config)#no shutdown
HOST1# exit
miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008
cuestionario 3 parcial
1.-Definición de Circuito Lógico Digital y Circuito Integrado:
- Circuito lógico es aquel que maneja la información en forma de "1" y "0", dos niveles lógicos de voltajefijos. "1" nivel alto o "high" y "0" nivel bajo o "low".
- Un circuito integrado es una pastilla (o "chip") muy delgada en la que se encuentran miles o millones de dispositivos electrónicos interconectados, principalmente transistores, aunque también componentes pasivos como resistencias o capacitores. Su área puede ser de un cm2 o incluso inferior.
2.- Clasificación de los circuitos integrados:
SSI (Small Scale Integration) pequeño nivel: inferior a 12
MSI (Medium Scale Integration) medio: 12 a 100
LSI (Large Scale Integration) grande: 100 a 1 000
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) muy grande: 10 000 a 99 999
ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) ultra grande: igual o superior a 100 000
En cuanto a las funciones integradas, los circuitos se clasifican en dos grandes grupos:
Circuitos integrados analógicos.
Pueden constar desde simples transistores encapsulados juntos, sin unión entre ellos, hasta dispositivos completos como amplificadores, osciladores o incluso receptores de radio completos.
Circuitos integrados digitales.
Pueden ser desde básicas puertas lógicas (Y, O, NO) hasta los más complicados microprocesadores.
3.- Diferencia entre circuitos lógicos e integrados:
El circuito integrado consta de muchos circuitos lógicos.
4.- Protoboard:
- Definición: es una placa de uso genérico reutilizable o semi permanente, usado para construir prototipos de circuitos electrónicos con o sin soldadura.
- Manejo: Las líneas se cortan en la parte central del bloque de plástico para garantizar que dispositivos en circuitos integrados tipo DIP (Dual Inline Packages), puedan ser insertados perpendicularmente a las líneas de conductores. En la cara opuesta se coloca un forro con pegamento, que sirve para sellar y mantener en su lugar a las tiras metálicas.
- Componentes:
Código de colores:
Colores 1ª Cifra 2ª Cifra Multiplicador Tolerancia
Negro 0 0
Marrón 1 1 x 10 1%
Rojo 2 2 x 102 2%
Naranja 3 3 x 103
Amarillo 4 4 x 104
Verde 5 5 x 105 0.5%
Azul 6 6 x 106
Violeta 7 7 x 107
Gris 8 8 x 108
Blanco 9 9 x 109
Oro x 10-1 5%
Plata x 10-2 10%
Sin color 20%
1.-Definición de Circuito Lógico Digital y Circuito Integrado:
- Circuito lógico es aquel que maneja la información en forma de "1" y "0", dos niveles lógicos de voltajefijos. "1" nivel alto o "high" y "0" nivel bajo o "low".
- Un circuito integrado es una pastilla (o "chip") muy delgada en la que se encuentran miles o millones de dispositivos electrónicos interconectados, principalmente transistores, aunque también componentes pasivos como resistencias o capacitores. Su área puede ser de un cm2 o incluso inferior.
2.- Clasificación de los circuitos integrados:
SSI (Small Scale Integration) pequeño nivel: inferior a 12
MSI (Medium Scale Integration) medio: 12 a 100
LSI (Large Scale Integration) grande: 100 a 1 000
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) muy grande: 10 000 a 99 999
ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) ultra grande: igual o superior a 100 000
En cuanto a las funciones integradas, los circuitos se clasifican en dos grandes grupos:
Circuitos integrados analógicos.
Pueden constar desde simples transistores encapsulados juntos, sin unión entre ellos, hasta dispositivos completos como amplificadores, osciladores o incluso receptores de radio completos.
Circuitos integrados digitales.
Pueden ser desde básicas puertas lógicas (Y, O, NO) hasta los más complicados microprocesadores.
3.- Diferencia entre circuitos lógicos e integrados:
El circuito integrado consta de muchos circuitos lógicos.
4.- Protoboard:
- Definición: es una placa de uso genérico reutilizable o semi permanente, usado para construir prototipos de circuitos electrónicos con o sin soldadura.
- Manejo: Las líneas se cortan en la parte central del bloque de plástico para garantizar que dispositivos en circuitos integrados tipo DIP (Dual Inline Packages), puedan ser insertados perpendicularmente a las líneas de conductores. En la cara opuesta se coloca un forro con pegamento, que sirve para sellar y mantener en su lugar a las tiras metálicas.
- Componentes:
Código de colores:
Colores 1ª Cifra 2ª Cifra Multiplicador Tolerancia
Negro 0 0
Marrón 1 1 x 10 1%
Rojo 2 2 x 102 2%
Naranja 3 3 x 103
Amarillo 4 4 x 104
Verde 5 5 x 105 0.5%
Azul 6 6 x 106
Violeta 7 7 x 107
Gris 8 8 x 108
Blanco 9 9 x 109
Oro x 10-1 5%
Plata x 10-2 10%
Sin color 20%
martes, 14 de octubre de 2008
Además de las compuertas and, or e inversos hay otras compuertas lógicas en el mercado y se utilizan en forma extensiva en el diseño de circuitos digitales.
El circuito inversor invierte el sentido lógico de una señal binaria para producir la operación de complementos
El círculo pequeño en la salida del símbolo gráfico designa el complemento lógico el símbolo del triángulo por si solo designa un circuito buffer el cual se utiliza para amplificar la señal eléctrica.
La compuerta NAND es el complemento de la operación and. Su nombre es una pequeña abreviatura de NOT-AND. Se dice que estas compuertas sin universales ya que se puede representar cualquier operación lógica AND, OR y complemento.
Para facilitar la conversión a la lógica NAND conviene definir un símbolo gráfico.
El símbolo AND-inversión, consta de un símbolo gráfico and seguido de un círculo pequeño. El símbolo inversión or se apega al teorema de Morgan y a la conversión de que los cículos pequeños denotan complementación.
Cuando se convinan ambos símbolos en el mismo diagrama se dice que el circuito está en notación mixta
El circuito inversor invierte el sentido lógico de una señal binaria para producir la operación de complementos
El círculo pequeño en la salida del símbolo gráfico designa el complemento lógico el símbolo del triángulo por si solo designa un circuito buffer el cual se utiliza para amplificar la señal eléctrica.
La compuerta NAND es el complemento de la operación and. Su nombre es una pequeña abreviatura de NOT-AND. Se dice que estas compuertas sin universales ya que se puede representar cualquier operación lógica AND, OR y complemento.
Para facilitar la conversión a la lógica NAND conviene definir un símbolo gráfico.
El símbolo AND-inversión, consta de un símbolo gráfico and seguido de un círculo pequeño. El símbolo inversión or se apega al teorema de Morgan y a la conversión de que los cículos pequeños denotan complementación.
Cuando se convinan ambos símbolos en el mismo diagrama se dice que el circuito está en notación mixta
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008
A building has experienced a power outage. When the power returns, none of the devices on one floor can access the Internet. The network administrator checks the switch in the IDF that these devices are connected to and notes that the SYST LED on the front of the switch is amber.
What is a possible cause of this problem?
The switch is functioning properly.
The switch has failed POST.
The switch configuration file was not saved to NVRAM.
The connection between the switch and the server did not autonegotiate speed and duplex properly.
2 Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 has been configured with the commands that are displayed. Which fact can be determined from the configuration?
All passwords are encrypted.
The privileged EXEC mode password is “password1.”
The router can support four Telnet sessions simultaneously.
The router can be accessed from the console without using any password.
3 Refer to the exhibit. Devices need to connect to the file server from remote networks. What method should be used to provide the file server with an IP address to allow these connections?
static NAT
static PAT
dynamic NAT
dynamic PAT
4 A user is able to ping an FTP server across a WAN but is unable to download files from the server. What should be checked to resolve this problem?
the NIC drivers
the IP configuration
the LED status of the NIC
firewall settings
While troubleshooting a connectivity issue between two directly connected routers, the network administrator checks the encapsulation settings on the serial interfaces of both routers. Which layer of the OSI model is the administrator troubleshooting?
application layer
network layer
data link layer
physical layer
A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
misconfigured firewall
bad port on switch or hub
misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation
wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation
wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
When does a router enter the setup mode?
when the Cisco IOS is missing in flash
when the configuration is missing in NVRAM
when the setup command is run from the user mode
when the boot system command is missing in the configuration
What is the effect of issuing the hostname RouterA command on a router?
A description will be configured on the router interfaces identifying them as belonging to RouterA.
The router will attempt to establish a connection to the host with the name RouterA.
The router will map an IP address to the domain name RouterA.
The router prompt will change from Router(config)# to RouterA(config)#
If the start-up configuration is not found in NVRAM, where will the router look for it next by default?
TFTP server
Which statement correctly describes an SLA?
It lists the terms of the agreement between the user and the manufacturer of the system.
It outlines the management, monitoring, and maintenance of a network.
It specifies the software and hardware configurations of a system.
It describes the operation of a system.
Which address does a switch use for implementing port security?
the source IP address
the source MAC address
the destination IP address
the destination MAC address
Which type of cable may be used for backbone cabling between data centers that are located on different floors and that are separated by a distance of 1640 feet (500 meters)?
13 Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown? (Choose two.)
The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client.
The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail.
The IP address of the Internet server is
The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
Which two services are required to enable a computer to receive dynamic IP addresses and access the Internet using domain names? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit. There is no dynamic routing protocol that is running on this network. The network administrator adds a static route via the use of the ip route command. On which router should the network administrator issue this command?
What are three features of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
It provides retransmission of data packets if they are lost during transmission.
It is a connectionless protocol.
It uses a three-way handshake between the sending and receiving systems to establish each conversation.
It specifies how messages are reassembled at the destination host.
It requires only 8 bytes of overhead.
It breaks the data packet into datagrams.
Refer to the exhibit. The interfaces on R1 and R2 have been properly configured with the IP addresses as shown. No dynamic routing protocols have been configured. The network administrator has entered the commands that are shown in the exhibit.
Which two additional commands need to be entered on the routers to enable host A to access the Internet? (Choose two.)
R2(config)# ip route S0/0/0
R1(config)# ip route S0/0/0
R1(config)# ip route
R2(config)# ip route
R1(config)# ip route
How many host addresses can be assigned in each subnetwork when using network address with subnet mask
Which two subnet masks can be used when subnetting a Class A IP address? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit. A computer with the displayed IP settings is unable to access a server on the network using the server IP address but can access hosts on the network. What should the network administrator do to troubleshoot this problem?
Issue the ping command on the host to determine if the host can communicate with the default gateway.
Issue the ipconfig /all command to determine if a DNS server IP address was configured.
Verify that the host has a link light.
Check the cabling of the host.
Refer to the exhibit. The S0/0/0 interface of R2 is configured correctly with the default encapsulation. Which configuration should be implemented at the S0/0/0 interface of R1 to complete the connection between the two routers?
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# encapsulation PPP
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# encapsulation PPP
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
What is an example of a dedicated point-to-point WAN link?
Frame Relay
Refer to the exhibit. What two conclusions can be drawn about the exhibited command output? (Choose two.)
Router RTB is directly connected to a router and a switch.
Router RTB is able to ping its directly connected neighbors.
The network administrator needs to log in to the neighboring devices to gather this information.
Router RTB has Layer 2 connectivity with two neighboring devices.
Router RTB is connected to two Cisco devices by FastEthernet links.
Which statement correctly describes the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
The maximum number of simultaneous connections that a server can support for HTTPS is more than for HTTP.
HTTPS and HTTP use different client request-server response processes.
HTTPS authenticates and encrypts the data being transferred between the client and the web server.
HTTPS specifies the rules for passing data between the physical layer and the data link layer.
A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
an IDS
an IPS
a host-based firewall
Anti-X software
How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations.
They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers.
They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting the serial connection between R1 and R2. There is no communication between R1 and R2. Based on the output of the show ip interface brief command, what is the cause of the problem?
There is a misconfiguration of IP addresses.
There is a mismatch of encapsulation methods.
The no shutdown command has not been issued on R2.
The routing protocols are not compatible.
A tracert command is run on a host to determine if another host can be reached across a network. Which two events will occur if connectivity with the other host is unsuccessful? (Choose two.)
The command will display all the successful hops a packet makes before it is lost.
The command will calculate the time between successful and unsuccessful packets.
The host on which the command is run will send a UDP request message to the other host.
The command helps to determine where a packet was lost on the path from the source to the destination.
All hops between the two hosts display !!!!! to signify success.
Refer to the exhibit. R1 and R2 are configured with the commands that are displayed. All interfaces are properly configured, but neither router is receiving routing updates. What two things can be done to solve the problem? (Choose two.)
Configure the routing protocol on R1 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R2 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R1 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R1 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R2 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R2 for network
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has added a route by using the ip route command on R1. Hosts on the network cannot communicate with hosts on the network. What is the reason for this?
The gateway of last resort is not set.
The destination prefix mask is incorrectly configured.
The routing protocol has not been configured on R1.
The static route has not been configured correctly.
Which routing protocol excludes the subnet information from routing updates?
Refer to the exhibit. What method is most commonly employed by large ISPs, such as ISP1, ISP2, and ISP3, to exchange and maintain routing information?
static routes
IGP protocols
EGP protocols
directly connected routes
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route on RTB:
RTB(config)# ip route fa0/0
A ping issued from PC3 is successful to RTB. However, echo request packets arrive at PC1 but the echo replies do not make it back to PC3. What will fix this problem?
RTA must be configured to forward packets to the network.
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address.
The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
Another default route should be configured on RTA with a next hop address of
What is the function of the forward lookup DNS zone in the DNS name resolution process?
It resolves fully qualified domain names into IP addresses.
It stores the information about the domain namespace structure.
It forwards zone information updates to the secondary server.
It maintains a database of ARP entries for all servers.
Which WAN connection provides a dedicated circuit with fixed bandwidth available at all times?
Refer to the exhibit. A new router has been configured for the first time with the commands that are displayed. Which two facts can be determined about the interface of this router? (Choose two.)
It will act as a DCE device.
It is administratively down.
It will operate at a speed of 6.4 Mb/s.
It is the first interface on slot 0 of controller 1.
Because MOTD is not configured, the interface will not work.
What is the basis for determining the vector component of a route in the distance vector routing algorithm?
the bandwidth of the route
the reliability of the route
the IP address of the next hop
the number of hops
Which statement is true about FTP implementations?
The protocol interpreter (PI) function engages once the data transfer process (DTP) function is complete.
The DTP function is responsible for the login sequence.
FTP requires two connections, one for control and one for data.
Both the PI and the DTP close automatically when the transfer is complete.
The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
From which router was this command executed?
Which statement correctly describes MIB?
It is software that is installed on a device which in turn is managed by SNMP.
It is installed on a system that is used to monitor networking devices.
It is a database that a device keeps about itself concerning network performance parameters.
It is a communication protocol that is used between the management station and the management agent.
Which two statements are true about resolvers in the DNS hierarchy? (Choose two.)
The resolvers attempt to resolve client queries by using the records that the resolvers maintain in their zone database files.
The DNS server queries the resolvers to translate the domain name to an IP address.
There can be only one resolver in a DNS zone.
Resolvers may be configured on DNS clients.
The DNS server uses the resolver to forward the name resolution request to another DNS server.
Which routing protocol depends on the DUAL algorithm to calculate the shortest path to a destination?
Which two parameters are stored in the routing table? (Choose two.)
the best route to reach remote networks
the interfaces used to forward packets
the ARP requests from connected routers
the number of times a route has been used by the router
the packets that are placed in the buffer before being forwarded
What will a router do with a packet that is destined for a host with the IP address if no entry for the network exists in the routing table?
It will broadcast the packet out of all of its active interfaces except the interface that received the packet.
It will send the packet back to the source address.
It will drop the packet.
It will broadcast the packet out of all of its active interfaces.
Which cable should be used to connect a PC to the console port of a Cisco router?
What is a characteristic of Syslog?
It requires users to prove their identity with the use of a username and password before users can access network resources.
It listens to network traffic and sends an alert to a management station to track which applications are used and the length of time for which they are used.
It enables devices to send information to a daemon that runs on a management station.
It provides users the rights to access specific resources and perform specific tasks.
The network administrator can ping a remote router but is unable to telnet to it. At what layer of the OSI model does this error occur?
data link
Which type of address is
host address
network address
broadcast address
multicast address
What is a feature of PAT?
It maps IP addresses to URLs.
It displays private IP addresses to public networks.
It sends acknowledgments of received packets.
It allows multiple hosts on a single LAN to share globally unique IP addresses.
Which statement describes a feature of TCP?
It provides low overhead data delivery.
It acknowledges the receipt of packets.
It does not provide error checking.
It is a connectionless protocol.
Which two statements are true about the c:\> ping command? (Choose two.)
It tests the accessibility of an IP address.
It sends a TCP packet to the destination IP address.
It sends an ICMP echo request packet to the destination address.
It traces the route of a data packet from the source to the destination.
It determines where a packet was lost or delayed during transmission.
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has added networks A and B to router R1. Which two subnetwork numbers should be used to address networks A and B so that these networks use the same subnet mask as networks C and D? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cable types should be used to complete the connection?
Cable A - straight-through; Cable B - straight-through; Cable C - serial
Cable A - straight-through; Cable B - straight-through; Cable C - rollover
Cable A - rollover; Cable B - straight-through; Cable C - crossover
Cable A - straight-through; Cable B - crossover; Cable C – serial
What are two reasons for issuing the show ip protocols command on a router? (Choose two.)
It displays the routing protocol in use.
It displays the routed protocol in use.
It displays the routing activity in real time.
It displays the static routes that are contained in the routing table.
It displays the networks that are being advertised by the router.
Refer to the graphic. Which command will configure a static route on Router A to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> 2
> A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
> an IDS
> an IPS
> a host-based firewall
> Anti-X software
> 3
> How does TCP ensure the reliable transfer of data?
> If data segments are not received from the source, the destination requests that the segments be resent.
> If an acknowledgment of the transmitted segments is not received from the destination in a predetermined amount of the time, the source resends the data.
> TCP uses the SYN-ACK portion of the three-way handshake to ensure that all data has been received.
> The TCP Protocol Interpreter process verifies the transmitted data at source and destination.
> 4
> What are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
> exchanges datagrams unreliably
> is used to send IP error messages
> forces the retransmission of unacknowledged packets
> creates a virtual session between end-user applications
> carries the IP address of the destination host in the TCP header
> is responsible for breaking messages into segments and reassembling them at their destination
> 5
> A user reports being able to access the Internet but not being able to download e-mail from the mail server at the ISP. What should the user check on the user workstation?
> the POP3 and SMTP server settings in the e-mail application
> the patch cable connections at the back of the workstation and at the wall plate
> the DHCP settings in the operating system
> the IP address, mask, and default gateway values
> the NIC drivers
> 6
Refer to the exhibit. Which type of UTP cable should be used to connect Host A to Switch1?
> rollover
> console
> crossover
> straight-through
> 7
> A network technician is using a network management station to gather data about the performance of devices and links within the ISP. Which application layer protocol makes this possible?
> 8
> After an unsuccessful ping to the local router, the technician decides to investigate the router. The technician observes that the lights and fan on the router are not operational. In which layer of the OSI model is the problem most likely occurring?
> transport
> network
> data link
> physical
> 9
> What is used by a routing protocol to determine the best path to include in the routing table?
> Convergence time
> Default distance
> Metric
> Type of router
> 10
> How does a switch interface that uses sticky port security handle MAC addresses?
> The addresses are configured manually and are saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured manually and are not saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured dynamically and are saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured dynamically and are not saved in the running configuration.
> 11
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator of the building in the graphic needs to choose the type of cable best suited to add ServerB to the network. Which cable type is the best choice?
> coaxial
> fiber optic
> The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
> C is directly connected, Serial0/0
> R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
> R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
> R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
> C is directly connected, Serial0/1
> From which router was this command executed?
> A
> B
> C
> D
> 13
Refer to the exhibit. A user who is connected to RTA is trying to telnet to RTB, but the connection is failing. Based on the output of the show running-config command on router RTB, why is the Telnet session failing?
> Telnet has not been configured on the console line.
> The login command has not been issued on the console line.
> No password has been configured on the VTY lines.
> A session limit has not been configured for Telnet.
> 14
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route on RTB:
> RTB(config)# ip route fa0/0
> A ping issued from PC3 is successful to RTB. However, echo request packets arrive at PC1 but the echo replies do not make it back to PC3. What will fix this problem?
> RTA must be configured to forward packets to the network.
> The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
> The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address.
> The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
> Another default route should be configured on RTA with a next hop address of
> 15
> What is the purpose of the routing process?
> to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
> to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
> to convert a URL name into an IP address
> to provide secure Internet file transfer
> to forward traffic on the basis of MAC addresses
> Show
> A small tire retailer requires a low-cost WAN connection to its headquarters in order to manage its inventory and process customer sales in real time. Which WAN connection type is best suited to its needs?
> T3
> T1
> leased line
> 17
> When customers use credit cards to make purchases at a small business, a modem is heard dialing a telephone number to transfer the transaction data to the central office. What type of WAN serial connection is in use?
> leased line
> packet switched
> circuit switched
> point-to-point
> 18
> In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?
> destination network address
> source network address
> source MAC address
> well known port destination address
> 19
> Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting the serial connection between R1 and R2. There is no communication between R1 and R2. Based on the output of the show ip interface brief command, what is the cause of the problem?
> There is a misconfiguration of IP addresses.
> There is a mismatch of encapsulation methods.
> The no shutdown command should be issued on R2.
> The routing protocols are not compatible.
> 20
> The command copy tftp running-config has been entered on the router. What will this command do?
> copy the configuration in RAM to a server
> copy the configuration file from a server to RAM
> copy the configuration file in NVRAM to RAM
> copy the configuration file in NVRAM to a server
> copy the configuration file from a server to NVRAM
> 21
> A user reports being unable to access the Internet. The help desk technician employs a bottom-up approach to troubleshooting. The technician first has the user check the patch cable connection from the PC to the wall, and then has the user verify that the NIC has a green link light. What will the technician have the user do next?
> Enter an IP address into the WWW browser address bar to see if DNS is at fault.
> Use traceroute to identify the device along the path to the ISP that may be at fault.
> Verify the IP address, subnet, and gateway settings using ipconfig on the PC.
> Connect to the user home router to check firewall settings for blocked TCP ports.
> 22
Refer to the exhibit. Which subnet mask would accommodate the number of hosts indicated for all subnets if the major network address was
> 23
> A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP can only supply five public IP addresses for this network. What technology can the administrator use to accomplish this task?
> classful subnetting
> variable length subnet masks
> classless interdomain routing
> port-based Network Address Translation
> 24
> What are two purposes of DNS? (Choose two.)
> to dynamically assign IP addressing information to network hosts
> to simplify the administration of host and default gateway addressing on client computers
> to assign TCP port numbers to hosts as part of the data transfer process
> to resolve human-readable domain names to numeric IP addresses
> to replace the static HOSTS file with a more practical dynamic system
> 25
> Refer to the exhibit. The diagram that is shown represents the network of a manufacturing company with its headquarters at one end of a city and its warehouse at the other end. These two locations are connected via a T1 line. How will the Fohi router dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with BGP
> with a static route
> with a directly connected route
> with an interior routing protocol
> How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
> They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations.
> They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
> They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers.
> They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
> 27
> Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output of the show ip route command, how many hops are between this router and the network?
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 120
> 28
> Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cables and symbols is correct?
> A - crossover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
> A - crossover, B - rollover, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B -crossover, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B -straight-through, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B - straight-through, C - crossover
> A - rollover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
> 29
> Refer to the exhibit. A ping command is issued on workstation A to determine if workstation B can be reached. What two events will occur if this command is successful? (Choose two.)
> The router will reply to the echo request with a proxy ping response.
> Workstation A will send a UDP ping request message to workstation B.
> The router will send a TCP acknowledgment message to workstation A.
> Workstation B will send a UDP ping reply message to the router.
> Workstation A will send an ICMP echo request message to workstation B.
> Workstation B will send an ICMP echo reply message to workstation A.
> 30
> Which two protocols allow network devices to report their status and events to a centralized network management device? (Choose two.)
> Syslog
> Telnet
> 31
> Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown?
(Choose two.)
> The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
> The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client.
> The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail.
> The IP address of the Internet server is
> The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
Refer to the exhibit. Both R1 and R2 are performing static NAT translations for their inside networks. A packet is sent from HostA to the web server. What are the source and destination addresses as the packet leaves R1 toward R2?
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> 33
> Which two processes enable a router to determine paths to destination networks? (Choose two.)
> inspection of the source IP address in data packets
> ARP requests from connected routers
> manual configuration of routes
> updates from other routers
> DHCP information broadcasts
> updates from the SMTP management information base
> 34
What is the most commonly used exterior routing protocol?
> 35
> Which two statements are true about the use of the debug ip rip command on a Cisco router? (Choose two.)
> The debug ip rip command displays RIP routing activity in real time.
> The debug ip rip command can be issued at the user EXEC configuration mode.
> The debug ip rip command displays a combination of the information that is displayed by the show ip route and show ip protocols commands.
> Because of router processor usage, the debug ip rip command should be used only when necessary.
> The debug ip rip command should be used instead of the show ip route command whenever possible.
> 36
> Which mode does a router enter when no configuration file is located in NVRAM?
> setup
> global configuration
> privileged exec
> 37
> Which two commands ensure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text when the configuration files are displayed? (Choose two.)
> Router(config)# enable secret cisco
> Router(config)# enable cisco
> Router(config)# encryption-password all
> Router(config)# enable login encrypted
> Router(config)# enable password encryption
> Router(config)# service password-encryption
> 38
> Which two subnet masks could be used when subnetting a Class B IP address? (Choose two.)
> 39
> A Catalyst switch is used as a temporary replacement for another switch that needs to be repaired. About a minute after the switch has started, the SYST LED on the front of the switch transitions from blinking green to amber. What is the meaning of the amber SYST LED?
> The switch has no configuration file in NVRAM.
> The switch has failed POST and must be sent for service.
> The switch is functioning properly.
> The switch is in half-duplex mode.
> 40
> A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
> misconfigured firewall
> bad port on switch or hub
> misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation
> wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation
> wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
> 41
> Refer to the exhibit. A NOC technician at an ISP enters the command c:\ping What are two reasons to use this command? (Choose two.)
> map the path to
> test reachability to
> locate connectivity problems along the route to
> identify ISPs that interconnect the NOC and remote host with IP
> measure the time that packets take to reach and return to the technician's workstation
> 42
> A user is attempting to do an without success. Which two configuration values must be set on the host to allow this access? (Choose two.)
> DNS server
> WINS server
> HTTP server
> default gateway
> Netbios
> 43
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the Fa0/0 interface of RTB so that hosts from RTA can connect to the server that is attached to RTB. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
> RTB# ip address
> RTB(config-if)# ip address
> RTB(config)# ip address
> RTB(config)# no shutdown
> RTB(config-if)# no shutdown
> RTB(config-if)# ip address
> 44
> A new router is connected to an existing network. Which two tasks must be completed on the new router to include it in the dynamic routing process? (Choose two.)
> Enter the new network IP address on all existing routers.
> Assign an appropriate IP address and subnet mask to the serial interface.
> Update the ip host configuration information with the device name and new interface IP address.
> Configure a routing protocol with the directly connected network IP addresses.
> Configure a routing protocol to include all existing networks.
> 45
> A company is developing an Internet store for its website. Which protocol should be used to transfer credit card information from customers to the company web server?
> WEP2
> 46
> Refer to the exhibit. Which command would an administrator use to configure the router name?
> Router# ip hostname Boise
> Router# hostname Boise
> Router(config-line)# name Boise
> Router(config)# hostname Boise
> Router> ip hostname Boise
> 47
> Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator configures a static default route to the Internet on router A, as shown in the exhibit. Why doesn't the route appear in the routing table?
> The serial interface is not connected.
> The gateway of last resort is not set.
> The destination prefix mask should be
> The routing protocol has not been configured.
> The default route must be configured on router B.
> 48
> Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?
> to indicate the correct router interface that should be used to forward a segment
> to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
> to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
> to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application
> to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
> 49
> How many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the network address with a subnet mask of
> 30
> 256
> 2046
> 2048
> 4094
> 4096
> 50
> What is one purpose of the TCP three-way handshake?
> sending echo requests from the source to the destination host to establish the presence of the destination
> determining the IP address of the destination host in preparation for data transfer
> requesting the destination to transfer a binary file to the source
> synchronizing sequence numbers between source and destination in preparation for data transfer
> 51
> Which type of address is
> host address
> network address
> broadcast address
> multicast address
> 52
> Refer to the exhibit. The PC tries to ping router B at, but the ping fails. What is the problem?
> The address of the PC is on the wrong subnet.
> The subnet mask of the PC should be
> The default gateway should be
> The DNS server is incorrect.
> 53
> Refer to the exhibit. Which two IP addresses could be assigned to the hosts in the diagram? (Choose two.)
> 54
> Refer to the exhibit. A new branch office has been added to the corporate network and a new router is to be installed to allow branch office users to access the database server at headquarters. How should the serial 0/0/0 interface of the new branch office router be configured to connect to the headquarters router?
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation hdlc
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> 55
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has configured the RTA and RTB interfaces. In order to allow hosts that are attached to RTA to reach the server that is attached to RTB, a static route from RTA to the server LAN and a default route from RTB back to RTA need to be configured. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish these tasks on the two routers? (Choose two.)
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTB(config)# ip route
> RTB(config)# ip route S0/0/1
> RTB(config)# ip route
> 56
> Refer to the exhibit. What two conclusions can be drawn about router RTB? (Choose two.)
> The router is connected to a router named Boise.
> Router RTB is connected to a Cisco 1841 router.
> Router RTB is directly connected to two other routers.
> The IP address of the router interface that is connected to router RTB is
> The RTB router is connected to two Cisco devices by FastEthernet links.
1 A company is developing an Internet store for its website. Which protocol should be used to transfer credit card information from customers to the company web server?
2 Refer to the exhibit. A new branch office has been added to the corporate network and a new router is to be installed to allow branch office users to access the database server at headquarters. How should the serial 0/0/0 interface of the new branch office router be configured to connect to the headquarters router?
branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
branch_23(config-if)# ip address
branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
3Which two commands ensure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text when the configuration files are displayed? (Choose two.)
Router(config)# enable secret cisco
Router(config)# enable cisco Router(config)# encryption-password all Router(config)# enable login encrypted Router(config)# enable password encryption
Router(config)# service password-encryption
4A new network is to be configured on a router. Which of the following tasks must be completed to configure this interface and implement dynamic IP routing for the new network? (Choose three.)
Select the routing protocol to be configured.
Assign an IP address and subnet mask to the interface
Update the ip host configuration information with the device name and new interface IP address.
Configure the routing protocol with the new network IP address.
Configure the routing protocol with the new interface IP address and subnet mask. Configure the routing protocol in use on all other enterprise routers with the new network information.
5 How does TCP ensure the reliable transfer of data?
if data segments are not received from the source, the destination requests that the segments be resent. If an acknowledgment of the transmitted segments is not received from the destination in a predetermined amount of the time, the source resends the data.
TCP uses the SYN-ACK portion of the three-way handshake to ensure that all data has been received
. The TCP Protocol Interpreter process verifies the transmitted data at source and destination.
6 A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP for this network can only supply five public IPs. What can be used to accomplish this task? routable translation dynamic translation static translation
port address translation
7What is the most commonly used exterior routing protocol?
8 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the router with a name. Which command will the administrator use to configure the router name? Router# ip hostname Boise
Router# enable hostname Boise
Router(config-line)# name Boise
Router(config)# hostname Boise
Router(config)# ip hostname Boise
9Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?
to indicate the correct router interface that should be used
to forward a segment to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
10What is the purpose of the routing process? to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
to convert a URL name into an IP address to provide secure Internet file transfer to forward traffic on the basis of MAC address.
11Which two statements are true about the use of the debug ip rip command on a Cisco router? (Choose two.)
The debug ip rip command displays RIP routing activity in real time.
The debug ip rip command can be issued at the user EXEC configuration mode.
The debug ip rip command displays a combination of the information that is displayed by the show ip route and show ip protocols commands. Because of router processor usage, the debug ip rip command should be used only when necessary. The debug ip rip command should be used instead of the show ip route command whenever possible.
12What minimum configurations must be set on a host to allow a request to be sent to (Choose four.)
DNS server
WINS server
IP address
subnet mask
default gateway
13A Catalyst 2960 switch has been taken out of storage to be used as a temporary replacement for another switch that needs to be repaired. About a minute after the switch has started, the SYST LED on the front of the switch transitions from blinking green to amber. What is the meaning of the amber SYST LED?
The switch has no configuration file in NVRAM.
The switch has failed POST and must be sent for service.
The switch is functioning properly. The switch is in half-duplex mode.
14Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cables and symbols is correct?
A - crossover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
A - crossover, B - rollover, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B -crossover, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B -straight-through, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B - straight-through, C - crossover
A - rollover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
15After an unsuccessful ping to the local router, the technician decides to investigate the router. The technician observes that the lights and fan on the router are not operational. In which layer of the OSI model is the problem most likely occurring?
data link
16What are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
exchanges datagrams unreliably is used to send IP error messages forces the retransmission of unacknowledged packets
creates a virtual session between end-user applications
carries the IP address of the destination host in the TCP header
is responsible for breaking messages into segments and reassembling them at their destination
17Refer to the exhibit. The network shown is connected using services from the same ISP. How will the Fohi router dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with BGP
with a static route
with a directly connected route with an interior routing protocol
18Refer to the exhibit. Which type of UTP cable should be used to connect Host A to Switch1?
19When customers use credit cards to make purchases at a small business, a modem is heard dialing a telephone number to transfer the transaction data to the central office. What type of WAN serial connection is in use?
leased line packet
circuit switched
20 A user reports being unable to access the Internet. The help desk technician employs a bottom-up approach to troubleshooting. The technician first has the user check the patch cable connection from the PC to the wall, and then has the user verify that the NIC has a green link light. What will the technician have the user do next?
Enter an IP address into the WWW browser address bar to see if DNS is at fault. Use traceroute to identify the device along the path to the ISP that may be at fault.
Verify the IP address, subnet, and gateway settings using ipconfig on the PC
. Connect to the user home router to check firewall settings for blocked TCP ports.
21 A ping command is issued on workstation A to determine if workstation B can be reached. What events will occur if this command is successful? (Choose two.) The router will block the ping request message.
The router will reply to the echo request with a proxy ping response.
Workstation A will send a UDP ping request message to workstation B.
Workstation B will send a UDP ping reply message to workstation A.
Workstation A will send an ICMP echo request message to workstation B.
Workstation B will send an ICMP echo reply message to workstation A.
22How does a router know of paths to destination networks? (Choose two.)
inspection of the destination IP address in data packets
ARP requests from connected routers manual configuration of routes
updates from other routers
DHCP information broadcasts updates from the SMTP management information base
23Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown? (Choose two.)
The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client. The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail. The IP address of the Internet server is .
The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
24What is one purpose of the TCP three-way handshake?
sending echo requests from the source to the destination host to establish the presence of the destination determining the IP address of the destination host in preparation for data transfer requesting the destination to transfer a binary file to the source
synchronizing sequence numbers between source and destination in preparation for data transfer
25Which type of address is
host address
network address
broadcast address
multicast address
26A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
misconfigured firewall
bad port on switch or hub misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
27The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
From which router was this command executed?
28Refer to the exhibit. Which two sets of commands are required to configure passwords for all management ports on a Catalyst 2960 switch? (Choose two.) ALSwitch(config)# interface vlan 1
ALSwitch(config-if)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-if)# login
ALSwitch(config)# line vty 0 4
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
ALSwitch(config)# line vty 0 15
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
ALSwitch(config)# enable secret class
ALSwitch(config)# enable password cisco
ALSwitch(config)# interface fa0/1ALSwitch(config-if)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-if)# no shutdown
ALSwitch(config)# line cons 0
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
29A user reports being able to access the Internet but not being able to download e-mail from the mail server at the ISP. What should the user check on the user workstation?
the POP3 and SMTP server settings in the e-mail application
the patch cable connections at the back of the workstation and at the wall plate the DHCP settings in the operating system the IP address, mask, and default gateway values the NIC drivers
30Refer to the graphic. Which command will configure a static route on Router A to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
31Which subnet masks could be used when subnetting a Class B IP address? (Choose two.)
32 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has configured the RTA and RTB interfaces. In order to allow hosts that are attached to RTA to reach the server that is attached to RTB, a static route from RTA to the server LAN and a default route from RTB back to RTA need to be configured. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish these tasks on the two routers? (Choose two.)
RTA(config)# ip route
RTA(config)# ip route
RTA(config)# ip route
RTB(config)# ip route
RTB(config)# ip route S0/0/1
RTB(config)# ip route
33How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations
. They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers. They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
34 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator of the building in the graphic needs to choose the type of cable best suited to add ServerB to the network. Which cable type is the best choice?
fiber optic
35What is used by a routing protocol to determine the best path to include in the routing table?
Convergence time
Default distance
Type of router
36Refer to the exhibit. Which IP addresses could be assigned to the hosts in the diagram? (Choose two.)
37Given the network shown in the graphic, which subnet mask would accommodate the number of hosts in each subnet?
38 Which two protocols allow network devices to report their status and events to a centralized network management device? (Choose two.)
39What is true regarding the differences between NAT and PAT?
PAT uses the word "overload" at the end of the access-list statement to share a single registered address.
Static NAT allows an unregistered address to map to multiple registered addresses.Dynamic NAT allows hosts to receive the same global address each time external access is required.
PAT uses unique source port numbers to distinguish between translations.
40Refer to the exhibit. The graphic shows the output of a command issued on router RTB. According to the output, what two statements are true of router RTB? (Choose two.)
The router is connected to a router named Boise.
Router RTB is connected to a Cisco 1841 router.Router RTB is directly connected to two other routers.
The IP address of the router interface connected to router RTB is .
The RTB router is connected to two Cisco devices by Fast Ethernet links.
41Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route to the ISP network :
RTB(config)# ip route ping issued from the ISP is successful to router RTB. However, ping echo request packets arrive at a host that is attached to the Fa0/0 interface of RTB, and the replies do not make it back to the ISP router. What will fix this problem?
The ISP must be configured to forward packets from the network.
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address. The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
42 A network technician is using a network management station to gather data about the performance of devices and links within the ISP. Which application layer protocol makes this possible?
43What are two purposes of DNS? (Choose two.)
to dynamically assign IP addressing information
to network hoststo simplify the administration of host and default gateway addressing on client computersto assign TCP port numbers
to hosts as part of the data transfer process
to resolve human-readable domain names
to numeric IP addressesto replace the static HOSTS file with a more practical dynamic system
44A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
an IDS
an IPS
a host-based firewall Anti-X software
45 How many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the network address with a subnet mask of
46In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?
destination network address
source network addresssource MAC addresswell known port destination address
47 A small tire retailer requires a low-cost WAN connection to its headquarters in order to manage its inventory and process customer sales in real time. Which WAN connection type is best suited to its needs?
leased line
48The command copy tftp running-config has been entered on the router. What will this command do?
copy the configuration in RAM to a server
copy the configuration file from a server to RAM
copy the configuration file in NVRAM to RAMcopy the configuration file in NVRAM to a servercopy the configuration file from a server to NVRAM
49Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the Fa0/0 interface of RTB so that hosts from RTA can connect to the server that is attached to RTB. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.) RTB# ip address
RTB(config-if)# ip address
RTB(config)# ip address
RTB(config)# no shutdown
RTB(config-if)# no shutdown
RTB(config-if)# ip address
50Refer to the exhibit. A NOC technician at an ISP enters the command shown. What are two reasons to use this command? (Choose two.) to map the path to
to test reachability to
to locate connectivity problems along the route to to identify the ISPs that interconnect the NOC with the remote host with the address
to measure the time that packets take to reach and return to the technician's workstation
Refer to the graphic. Which command will configure a static route on Router A to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> 2
> A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
> an IDS
> an IPS
> a host-based firewall
> Anti-X software
> 3
> How does TCP ensure the reliable transfer of data?
> If data segments are not received from the source, the destination requests that the segments be resent.
> If an acknowledgment of the transmitted segments is not received from the destination in a predetermined amount of the time, the source resends the data.
> TCP uses the SYN-ACK portion of the three-way handshake to ensure that all data has been received.
> The TCP Protocol Interpreter process verifies the transmitted data at source and destination.
> 4
> What are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
> exchanges datagrams unreliably
> is used to send IP error messages
> forces the retransmission of unacknowledged packets
> creates a virtual session between end-user applications
> carries the IP address of the destination host in the TCP header
> is responsible for breaking messages into segments and reassembling them at their destination
> 5
> A user reports being able to access the Internet but not being able to download e-mail from the mail server at the ISP. What should the user check on the user workstation?
> the POP3 and SMTP server settings in the e-mail application
> the patch cable connections at the back of the workstation and at the wall plate
> the DHCP settings in the operating system
> the IP address, mask, and default gateway values
> the NIC drivers
> 6
Refer to the exhibit. Which type of UTP cable should be used to connect Host A to Switch1?
> rollover
> console
> crossover
> straight-through
> 7
> A network technician is using a network management station to gather data about the performance of devices and links within the ISP. Which application layer protocol makes this possible?
> 8
> After an unsuccessful ping to the local router, the technician decides to investigate the router. The technician observes that the lights and fan on the router are not operational. In which layer of the OSI model is the problem most likely occurring?
> transport
> network
> data link
> physical
> 9
> What is used by a routing protocol to determine the best path to include in the routing table?
> Convergence time
> Default distance
> Metric
> Type of router
> 10
> How does a switch interface that uses sticky port security handle MAC addresses?
> The addresses are configured manually and are saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured manually and are not saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured dynamically and are saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured dynamically and are not saved in the running configuration.
> 11
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator of the building in the graphic needs to choose the type of cable best suited to add ServerB to the network. Which cable type is the best choice?
> coaxial
> fiber optic
> The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
> C is directly connected, Serial0/0
> R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
> R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
> R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
> C is directly connected, Serial0/1
> From which router was this command executed?
> A
> B
> C
> D
> 13
Refer to the exhibit. A user who is connected to RTA is trying to telnet to RTB, but the connection is failing. Based on the output of the show running-config command on router RTB, why is the Telnet session failing?
> Telnet has not been configured on the console line.
> The login command has not been issued on the console line.
> No password has been configured on the VTY lines.
> A session limit has not been configured for Telnet.
> 14
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route on RTB:
> RTB(config)# ip route fa0/0
> A ping issued from PC3 is successful to RTB. However, echo request packets arrive at PC1 but the echo replies do not make it back to PC3. What will fix this problem?
> RTA must be configured to forward packets to the network.
> The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
> The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address.
> The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
> Another default route should be configured on RTA with a next hop address of
> 15
> What is the purpose of the routing process?
> to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
> to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
> to convert a URL name into an IP address
> to provide secure Internet file transfer
> to forward traffic on the basis of MAC addresses
> Show
> A small tire retailer requires a low-cost WAN connection to its headquarters in order to manage its inventory and process customer sales in real time. Which WAN connection type is best suited to its needs?
> T3
> T1
> leased line
> 17
> When customers use credit cards to make purchases at a small business, a modem is heard dialing a telephone number to transfer the transaction data to the central office. What type of WAN serial connection is in use?
> leased line
> packet switched
> circuit switched
> point-to-point
> 18
> In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?
> destination network address
> source network address
> source MAC address
> well known port destination address
> 19
> Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting the serial connection between R1 and R2. There is no communication between R1 and R2. Based on the output of the show ip interface brief command, what is the cause of the problem?
> There is a misconfiguration of IP addresses.
> There is a mismatch of encapsulation methods.
> The no shutdown command should be issued on R2.
> The routing protocols are not compatible.
> 20
> The command copy tftp running-config has been entered on the router. What will this command do?
> copy the configuration in RAM to a server
> copy the configuration file from a server to RAM
> copy the configuration file in NVRAM to RAM
> copy the configuration file in NVRAM to a server
> copy the configuration file from a server to NVRAM
> 21
> A user reports being unable to access the Internet. The help desk technician employs a bottom-up approach to troubleshooting. The technician first has the user check the patch cable connection from the PC to the wall, and then has the user verify that the NIC has a green link light. What will the technician have the user do next?
> Enter an IP address into the WWW browser address bar to see if DNS is at fault.
> Use traceroute to identify the device along the path to the ISP that may be at fault.
> Verify the IP address, subnet, and gateway settings using ipconfig on the PC.
> Connect to the user home router to check firewall settings for blocked TCP ports.
> 22
Refer to the exhibit. Which subnet mask would accommodate the number of hosts indicated for all subnets if the major network address was
> 23
> A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP can only supply five public IP addresses for this network. What technology can the administrator use to accomplish this task?
> classful subnetting
> variable length subnet masks
> classless interdomain routing
> port-based Network Address Translation
> 24
> What are two purposes of DNS? (Choose two.)
> to dynamically assign IP addressing information to network hosts
> to simplify the administration of host and default gateway addressing on client computers
> to assign TCP port numbers to hosts as part of the data transfer process
> to resolve human-readable domain names to numeric IP addresses
> to replace the static HOSTS file with a more practical dynamic system
> 25
> Refer to the exhibit. The diagram that is shown represents the network of a manufacturing company with its headquarters at one end of a city and its warehouse at the other end. These two locations are connected via a T1 line. How will the Fohi router dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with BGP
> with a static route
> with a directly connected route
> with an interior routing protocol
> How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
> They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations.
> They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
> They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers.
> They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
> 27
> Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output of the show ip route command, how many hops are between this router and the network?
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 120
> 28
> Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cables and symbols is correct?
> A - crossover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
> A - crossover, B - rollover, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B -crossover, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B -straight-through, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B - straight-through, C - crossover
> A - rollover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
> 29
> Refer to the exhibit. A ping command is issued on workstation A to determine if workstation B can be reached. What two events will occur if this command is successful? (Choose two.)
> The router will reply to the echo request with a proxy ping response.
> Workstation A will send a UDP ping request message to workstation B.
> The router will send a TCP acknowledgment message to workstation A.
> Workstation B will send a UDP ping reply message to the router.
> Workstation A will send an ICMP echo request message to workstation B.
> Workstation B will send an ICMP echo reply message to workstation A.
> 30
> Which two protocols allow network devices to report their status and events to a centralized network management device? (Choose two.)
> Syslog
> Telnet
> 31
> Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown?
(Choose two.)
> The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
> The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client.
> The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail.
> The IP address of the Internet server is
> The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
Refer to the exhibit. Both R1 and R2 are performing static NAT translations for their inside networks. A packet is sent from HostA to the web server. What are the source and destination addresses as the packet leaves R1 toward R2?
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> 33
> Which two processes enable a router to determine paths to destination networks? (Choose two.)
> inspection of the source IP address in data packets
> ARP requests from connected routers
> manual configuration of routes
> updates from other routers
> DHCP information broadcasts
> updates from the SMTP management information base
> 34
What is the most commonly used exterior routing protocol?
> 35
> Which two statements are true about the use of the debug ip rip command on a Cisco router? (Choose two.)
> The debug ip rip command displays RIP routing activity in real time.
> The debug ip rip command can be issued at the user EXEC configuration mode.
> The debug ip rip command displays a combination of the information that is displayed by the show ip route and show ip protocols commands.
> Because of router processor usage, the debug ip rip command should be used only when necessary.
> The debug ip rip command should be used instead of the show ip route command whenever possible.
> 36
> Which mode does a router enter when no configuration file is located in NVRAM?
> setup
> global configuration
> privileged exec
> 37
> Which two commands ensure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text when the configuration files are displayed? (Choose two.)
> Router(config)# enable secret cisco
> Router(config)# enable cisco
> Router(config)# encryption-password all
> Router(config)# enable login encrypted
> Router(config)# enable password encryption
> Router(config)# service password-encryption
> 38
> Which two subnet masks could be used when subnetting a Class B IP address? (Choose two.)
> 39
> A Catalyst switch is used as a temporary replacement for another switch that needs to be repaired. About a minute after the switch has started, the SYST LED on the front of the switch transitions from blinking green to amber. What is the meaning of the amber SYST LED?
> The switch has no configuration file in NVRAM.
> The switch has failed POST and must be sent for service.
> The switch is functioning properly.
> The switch is in half-duplex mode.
> 40
> A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
> misconfigured firewall
> bad port on switch or hub
> misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation
> wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation
> wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
> 41
> Refer to the exhibit. A NOC technician at an ISP enters the command c:\ping What are two reasons to use this command? (Choose two.)
> map the path to
> test reachability to
> locate connectivity problems along the route to
> identify ISPs that interconnect the NOC and remote host with IP
> measure the time that packets take to reach and return to the technician's workstation
> 42
> A user is attempting to do an without success. Which two configuration values must be set on the host to allow this access? (Choose two.)
> DNS server
> WINS server
> HTTP server
> default gateway
> Netbios
> 43
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the Fa0/0 interface of RTB so that hosts from RTA can connect to the server that is attached to RTB. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
> RTB# ip address
> RTB(config-if)# ip address
> RTB(config)# ip address
> RTB(config)# no shutdown
> RTB(config-if)# no shutdown
> RTB(config-if)# ip address
> 44
> A new router is connected to an existing network. Which two tasks must be completed on the new router to include it in the dynamic routing process? (Choose two.)
> Enter the new network IP address on all existing routers.
> Assign an appropriate IP address and subnet mask to the serial interface.
> Update the ip host configuration information with the device name and new interface IP address.
> Configure a routing protocol with the directly connected network IP addresses.
> Configure a routing protocol to include all existing networks.
> 45
> A company is developing an Internet store for its website. Which protocol should be used to transfer credit card information from customers to the company web server?
> WEP2
> 46
> Refer to the exhibit. Which command would an administrator use to configure the router name?
> Router# ip hostname Boise
> Router# hostname Boise
> Router(config-line)# name Boise
> Router(config)# hostname Boise
> Router> ip hostname Boise
> 47
> Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator configures a static default route to the Internet on router A, as shown in the exhibit. Why doesn't the route appear in the routing table?
> The serial interface is not connected.
> The gateway of last resort is not set.
> The destination prefix mask should be
> The routing protocol has not been configured.
> The default route must be configured on router B.
> 48
> Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?
> to indicate the correct router interface that should be used to forward a segment
> to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
> to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
> to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application
> to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
> 49
> How many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the network address with a subnet mask of
> 30
> 256
> 2046
> 2048
> 4094
> 4096
> 50
> What is one purpose of the TCP three-way handshake?
> sending echo requests from the source to the destination host to establish the presence of the destination
> determining the IP address of the destination host in preparation for data transfer
> requesting the destination to transfer a binary file to the source
> synchronizing sequence numbers between source and destination in preparation for data transfer
> 51
> Which type of address is
> host address
> network address
> broadcast address
> multicast address
> 52
> Refer to the exhibit. The PC tries to ping router B at, but the ping fails. What is the problem?
> The address of the PC is on the wrong subnet.
> The subnet mask of the PC should be
> The default gateway should be
> The DNS server is incorrect.
> 53
> Refer to the exhibit. Which two IP addresses could be assigned to the hosts in the diagram? (Choose two.)
> 54
> Refer to the exhibit. A new branch office has been added to the corporate network and a new router is to be installed to allow branch office users to access the database server at headquarters. How should the serial 0/0/0 interface of the new branch office router be configured to connect to the headquarters router?
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation hdlc
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> 55
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has configured the RTA and RTB interfaces. In order to allow hosts that are attached to RTA to reach the server that is attached to RTB, a static route from RTA to the server LAN and a default route from RTB back to RTA need to be configured. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish these tasks on the two routers? (Choose two.)
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTB(config)# ip route
> RTB(config)# ip route S0/0/1
> RTB(config)# ip route
> 56
> Refer to the exhibit. What two conclusions can be drawn about router RTB? (Choose two.)
> The router is connected to a router named Boise.
> Router RTB is connected to a Cisco 1841 router.
> Router RTB is directly connected to two other routers.
> The IP address of the router interface that is connected to router RTB is
> The RTB router is connected to two Cisco devices by FastEthernet links.
1 A company is developing an Internet store for its website. Which protocol should be used to transfer credit card information from customers to the company web server?
2 Refer to the exhibit. A new branch office has been added to the corporate network and a new router is to be installed to allow branch office users to access the database server at headquarters. How should the serial 0/0/0 interface of the new branch office router be configured to connect to the headquarters router?
branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
branch_23(config-if)# ip address
branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
3Which two commands ensure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text when the configuration files are displayed? (Choose two.)
Router(config)# enable secret cisco
Router(config)# enable cisco Router(config)# encryption-password all Router(config)# enable login encrypted Router(config)# enable password encryption
Router(config)# service password-encryption
4A new network is to be configured on a router. Which of the following tasks must be completed to configure this interface and implement dynamic IP routing for the new network? (Choose three.)
Select the routing protocol to be configured.
Assign an IP address and subnet mask to the interface
Update the ip host configuration information with the device name and new interface IP address.
Configure the routing protocol with the new network IP address.
Configure the routing protocol with the new interface IP address and subnet mask. Configure the routing protocol in use on all other enterprise routers with the new network information.
5 How does TCP ensure the reliable transfer of data?
if data segments are not received from the source, the destination requests that the segments be resent. If an acknowledgment of the transmitted segments is not received from the destination in a predetermined amount of the time, the source resends the data.
TCP uses the SYN-ACK portion of the three-way handshake to ensure that all data has been received
. The TCP Protocol Interpreter process verifies the transmitted data at source and destination.
6 A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP for this network can only supply five public IPs. What can be used to accomplish this task? routable translation dynamic translation static translation
port address translation
7What is the most commonly used exterior routing protocol?
8 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the router with a name. Which command will the administrator use to configure the router name? Router# ip hostname Boise
Router# enable hostname Boise
Router(config-line)# name Boise
Router(config)# hostname Boise
Router(config)# ip hostname Boise
9Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?
to indicate the correct router interface that should be used
to forward a segment to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
10What is the purpose of the routing process? to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
to convert a URL name into an IP address to provide secure Internet file transfer to forward traffic on the basis of MAC address.
11Which two statements are true about the use of the debug ip rip command on a Cisco router? (Choose two.)
The debug ip rip command displays RIP routing activity in real time.
The debug ip rip command can be issued at the user EXEC configuration mode.
The debug ip rip command displays a combination of the information that is displayed by the show ip route and show ip protocols commands. Because of router processor usage, the debug ip rip command should be used only when necessary. The debug ip rip command should be used instead of the show ip route command whenever possible.
12What minimum configurations must be set on a host to allow a request to be sent to (Choose four.)
DNS server
WINS server
IP address
subnet mask
default gateway
13A Catalyst 2960 switch has been taken out of storage to be used as a temporary replacement for another switch that needs to be repaired. About a minute after the switch has started, the SYST LED on the front of the switch transitions from blinking green to amber. What is the meaning of the amber SYST LED?
The switch has no configuration file in NVRAM.
The switch has failed POST and must be sent for service.
The switch is functioning properly. The switch is in half-duplex mode.
14Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cables and symbols is correct?
A - crossover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
A - crossover, B - rollover, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B -crossover, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B -straight-through, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B - straight-through, C - crossover
A - rollover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
15After an unsuccessful ping to the local router, the technician decides to investigate the router. The technician observes that the lights and fan on the router are not operational. In which layer of the OSI model is the problem most likely occurring?
data link
16What are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
exchanges datagrams unreliably is used to send IP error messages forces the retransmission of unacknowledged packets
creates a virtual session between end-user applications
carries the IP address of the destination host in the TCP header
is responsible for breaking messages into segments and reassembling them at their destination
17Refer to the exhibit. The network shown is connected using services from the same ISP. How will the Fohi router dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with BGP
with a static route
with a directly connected route with an interior routing protocol
18Refer to the exhibit. Which type of UTP cable should be used to connect Host A to Switch1?
19When customers use credit cards to make purchases at a small business, a modem is heard dialing a telephone number to transfer the transaction data to the central office. What type of WAN serial connection is in use?
leased line packet
circuit switched
20 A user reports being unable to access the Internet. The help desk technician employs a bottom-up approach to troubleshooting. The technician first has the user check the patch cable connection from the PC to the wall, and then has the user verify that the NIC has a green link light. What will the technician have the user do next?
Enter an IP address into the WWW browser address bar to see if DNS is at fault. Use traceroute to identify the device along the path to the ISP that may be at fault.
Verify the IP address, subnet, and gateway settings using ipconfig on the PC
. Connect to the user home router to check firewall settings for blocked TCP ports.
21 A ping command is issued on workstation A to determine if workstation B can be reached. What events will occur if this command is successful? (Choose two.) The router will block the ping request message.
The router will reply to the echo request with a proxy ping response.
Workstation A will send a UDP ping request message to workstation B.
Workstation B will send a UDP ping reply message to workstation A.
Workstation A will send an ICMP echo request message to workstation B.
Workstation B will send an ICMP echo reply message to workstation A.
22How does a router know of paths to destination networks? (Choose two.)
inspection of the destination IP address in data packets
ARP requests from connected routers manual configuration of routes
updates from other routers
DHCP information broadcasts updates from the SMTP management information base
23Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown? (Choose two.)
The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client. The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail. The IP address of the Internet server is .
The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
24What is one purpose of the TCP three-way handshake?
sending echo requests from the source to the destination host to establish the presence of the destination determining the IP address of the destination host in preparation for data transfer requesting the destination to transfer a binary file to the source
synchronizing sequence numbers between source and destination in preparation for data transfer
25Which type of address is
host address
network address
broadcast address
multicast address
26A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
misconfigured firewall
bad port on switch or hub misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
27The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
From which router was this command executed?
28Refer to the exhibit. Which two sets of commands are required to configure passwords for all management ports on a Catalyst 2960 switch? (Choose two.) ALSwitch(config)# interface vlan 1
ALSwitch(config-if)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-if)# login
ALSwitch(config)# line vty 0 4
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
ALSwitch(config)# line vty 0 15
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
ALSwitch(config)# enable secret class
ALSwitch(config)# enable password cisco
ALSwitch(config)# interface fa0/1ALSwitch(config-if)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-if)# no shutdown
ALSwitch(config)# line cons 0
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
29A user reports being able to access the Internet but not being able to download e-mail from the mail server at the ISP. What should the user check on the user workstation?
the POP3 and SMTP server settings in the e-mail application
the patch cable connections at the back of the workstation and at the wall plate the DHCP settings in the operating system the IP address, mask, and default gateway values the NIC drivers
30Refer to the graphic. Which command will configure a static route on Router A to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
31Which subnet masks could be used when subnetting a Class B IP address? (Choose two.)
32 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has configured the RTA and RTB interfaces. In order to allow hosts that are attached to RTA to reach the server that is attached to RTB, a static route from RTA to the server LAN and a default route from RTB back to RTA need to be configured. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish these tasks on the two routers? (Choose two.)
RTA(config)# ip route
RTA(config)# ip route
RTA(config)# ip route
RTB(config)# ip route
RTB(config)# ip route S0/0/1
RTB(config)# ip route
33How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations
. They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers. They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
34 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator of the building in the graphic needs to choose the type of cable best suited to add ServerB to the network. Which cable type is the best choice?
fiber optic
35What is used by a routing protocol to determine the best path to include in the routing table?
Convergence time
Default distance
Type of router
36Refer to the exhibit. Which IP addresses could be assigned to the hosts in the diagram? (Choose two.)
37Given the network shown in the graphic, which subnet mask would accommodate the number of hosts in each subnet?
38 Which two protocols allow network devices to report their status and events to a centralized network management device? (Choose two.)
39What is true regarding the differences between NAT and PAT?
PAT uses the word "overload" at the end of the access-list statement to share a single registered address.
Static NAT allows an unregistered address to map to multiple registered addresses.Dynamic NAT allows hosts to receive the same global address each time external access is required.
PAT uses unique source port numbers to distinguish between translations.
40Refer to the exhibit. The graphic shows the output of a command issued on router RTB. According to the output, what two statements are true of router RTB? (Choose two.)
The router is connected to a router named Boise.
Router RTB is connected to a Cisco 1841 router.Router RTB is directly connected to two other routers.
The IP address of the router interface connected to router RTB is .
The RTB router is connected to two Cisco devices by Fast Ethernet links.
41Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route to the ISP network :
RTB(config)# ip route ping issued from the ISP is successful to router RTB. However, ping echo request packets arrive at a host that is attached to the Fa0/0 interface of RTB, and the replies do not make it back to the ISP router. What will fix this problem?
The ISP must be configured to forward packets from the network.
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address. The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
42 A network technician is using a network management station to gather data about the performance of devices and links within the ISP. Which application layer protocol makes this possible?
43What are two purposes of DNS? (Choose two.)
to dynamically assign IP addressing information
to network hoststo simplify the administration of host and default gateway addressing on client computersto assign TCP port numbers
to hosts as part of the data transfer process
to resolve human-readable domain names
to numeric IP addressesto replace the static HOSTS file with a more practical dynamic system
44A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
an IDS
an IPS
a host-based firewall Anti-X software
45 How many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the network address with a subnet mask of
46In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?
destination network address
source network addresssource MAC addresswell known port destination address
47 A small tire retailer requires a low-cost WAN connection to its headquarters in order to manage its inventory and process customer sales in real time. Which WAN connection type is best suited to its needs?
leased line
48The command copy tftp running-config has been entered on the router. What will this command do?
copy the configuration in RAM to a server
copy the configuration file from a server to RAM
copy the configuration file in NVRAM to RAMcopy the configuration file in NVRAM to a servercopy the configuration file from a server to NVRAM
49Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the Fa0/0 interface of RTB so that hosts from RTA can connect to the server that is attached to RTB. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.) RTB# ip address
RTB(config-if)# ip address
RTB(config)# ip address
RTB(config)# no shutdown
RTB(config-if)# no shutdown
RTB(config-if)# ip address
50Refer to the exhibit. A NOC technician at an ISP enters the command shown. What are two reasons to use this command? (Choose two.) to map the path to
to test reachability to
to locate connectivity problems along the route to to identify the ISPs that interconnect the NOC with the remote host with the address
to measure the time that packets take to reach and return to the technician's workstation
What is a possible cause of this problem?
The switch is functioning properly.
The switch has failed POST.
The switch configuration file was not saved to NVRAM.
The connection between the switch and the server did not autonegotiate speed and duplex properly.
2 Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 has been configured with the commands that are displayed. Which fact can be determined from the configuration?
All passwords are encrypted.
The privileged EXEC mode password is “password1.”
The router can support four Telnet sessions simultaneously.
The router can be accessed from the console without using any password.
3 Refer to the exhibit. Devices need to connect to the file server from remote networks. What method should be used to provide the file server with an IP address to allow these connections?
static NAT
static PAT
dynamic NAT
dynamic PAT
4 A user is able to ping an FTP server across a WAN but is unable to download files from the server. What should be checked to resolve this problem?
the NIC drivers
the IP configuration
the LED status of the NIC
firewall settings
While troubleshooting a connectivity issue between two directly connected routers, the network administrator checks the encapsulation settings on the serial interfaces of both routers. Which layer of the OSI model is the administrator troubleshooting?
application layer
network layer
data link layer
physical layer
A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
misconfigured firewall
bad port on switch or hub
misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation
wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation
wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
When does a router enter the setup mode?
when the Cisco IOS is missing in flash
when the configuration is missing in NVRAM
when the setup command is run from the user mode
when the boot system command is missing in the configuration
What is the effect of issuing the hostname RouterA command on a router?
A description will be configured on the router interfaces identifying them as belonging to RouterA.
The router will attempt to establish a connection to the host with the name RouterA.
The router will map an IP address to the domain name RouterA.
The router prompt will change from Router(config)# to RouterA(config)#
If the start-up configuration is not found in NVRAM, where will the router look for it next by default?
TFTP server
Which statement correctly describes an SLA?
It lists the terms of the agreement between the user and the manufacturer of the system.
It outlines the management, monitoring, and maintenance of a network.
It specifies the software and hardware configurations of a system.
It describes the operation of a system.
Which address does a switch use for implementing port security?
the source IP address
the source MAC address
the destination IP address
the destination MAC address
Which type of cable may be used for backbone cabling between data centers that are located on different floors and that are separated by a distance of 1640 feet (500 meters)?
13 Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown? (Choose two.)
The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client.
The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail.
The IP address of the Internet server is
The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
Which two services are required to enable a computer to receive dynamic IP addresses and access the Internet using domain names? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit. There is no dynamic routing protocol that is running on this network. The network administrator adds a static route via the use of the ip route command. On which router should the network administrator issue this command?
What are three features of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
It provides retransmission of data packets if they are lost during transmission.
It is a connectionless protocol.
It uses a three-way handshake between the sending and receiving systems to establish each conversation.
It specifies how messages are reassembled at the destination host.
It requires only 8 bytes of overhead.
It breaks the data packet into datagrams.
Refer to the exhibit. The interfaces on R1 and R2 have been properly configured with the IP addresses as shown. No dynamic routing protocols have been configured. The network administrator has entered the commands that are shown in the exhibit.
Which two additional commands need to be entered on the routers to enable host A to access the Internet? (Choose two.)
R2(config)# ip route S0/0/0
R1(config)# ip route S0/0/0
R1(config)# ip route
R2(config)# ip route
R1(config)# ip route
How many host addresses can be assigned in each subnetwork when using network address with subnet mask
Which two subnet masks can be used when subnetting a Class A IP address? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit. A computer with the displayed IP settings is unable to access a server on the network using the server IP address but can access hosts on the network. What should the network administrator do to troubleshoot this problem?
Issue the ping command on the host to determine if the host can communicate with the default gateway.
Issue the ipconfig /all command to determine if a DNS server IP address was configured.
Verify that the host has a link light.
Check the cabling of the host.
Refer to the exhibit. The S0/0/0 interface of R2 is configured correctly with the default encapsulation. Which configuration should be implemented at the S0/0/0 interface of R1 to complete the connection between the two routers?
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# encapsulation PPP
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# encapsulation PPP
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
What is an example of a dedicated point-to-point WAN link?
Frame Relay
Refer to the exhibit. What two conclusions can be drawn about the exhibited command output? (Choose two.)
Router RTB is directly connected to a router and a switch.
Router RTB is able to ping its directly connected neighbors.
The network administrator needs to log in to the neighboring devices to gather this information.
Router RTB has Layer 2 connectivity with two neighboring devices.
Router RTB is connected to two Cisco devices by FastEthernet links.
Which statement correctly describes the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
The maximum number of simultaneous connections that a server can support for HTTPS is more than for HTTP.
HTTPS and HTTP use different client request-server response processes.
HTTPS authenticates and encrypts the data being transferred between the client and the web server.
HTTPS specifies the rules for passing data between the physical layer and the data link layer.
A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
an IDS
an IPS
a host-based firewall
Anti-X software
How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations.
They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers.
They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting the serial connection between R1 and R2. There is no communication between R1 and R2. Based on the output of the show ip interface brief command, what is the cause of the problem?
There is a misconfiguration of IP addresses.
There is a mismatch of encapsulation methods.
The no shutdown command has not been issued on R2.
The routing protocols are not compatible.
A tracert command is run on a host to determine if another host can be reached across a network. Which two events will occur if connectivity with the other host is unsuccessful? (Choose two.)
The command will display all the successful hops a packet makes before it is lost.
The command will calculate the time between successful and unsuccessful packets.
The host on which the command is run will send a UDP request message to the other host.
The command helps to determine where a packet was lost on the path from the source to the destination.
All hops between the two hosts display !!!!! to signify success.
Refer to the exhibit. R1 and R2 are configured with the commands that are displayed. All interfaces are properly configured, but neither router is receiving routing updates. What two things can be done to solve the problem? (Choose two.)
Configure the routing protocol on R1 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R2 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R1 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R1 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R2 for network
Configure the routing protocol on R2 for network
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has added a route by using the ip route command on R1. Hosts on the network cannot communicate with hosts on the network. What is the reason for this?
The gateway of last resort is not set.
The destination prefix mask is incorrectly configured.
The routing protocol has not been configured on R1.
The static route has not been configured correctly.
Which routing protocol excludes the subnet information from routing updates?
Refer to the exhibit. What method is most commonly employed by large ISPs, such as ISP1, ISP2, and ISP3, to exchange and maintain routing information?
static routes
IGP protocols
EGP protocols
directly connected routes
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route on RTB:
RTB(config)# ip route fa0/0
A ping issued from PC3 is successful to RTB. However, echo request packets arrive at PC1 but the echo replies do not make it back to PC3. What will fix this problem?
RTA must be configured to forward packets to the network.
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address.
The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
Another default route should be configured on RTA with a next hop address of
What is the function of the forward lookup DNS zone in the DNS name resolution process?
It resolves fully qualified domain names into IP addresses.
It stores the information about the domain namespace structure.
It forwards zone information updates to the secondary server.
It maintains a database of ARP entries for all servers.
Which WAN connection provides a dedicated circuit with fixed bandwidth available at all times?
Refer to the exhibit. A new router has been configured for the first time with the commands that are displayed. Which two facts can be determined about the interface of this router? (Choose two.)
It will act as a DCE device.
It is administratively down.
It will operate at a speed of 6.4 Mb/s.
It is the first interface on slot 0 of controller 1.
Because MOTD is not configured, the interface will not work.
What is the basis for determining the vector component of a route in the distance vector routing algorithm?
the bandwidth of the route
the reliability of the route
the IP address of the next hop
the number of hops
Which statement is true about FTP implementations?
The protocol interpreter (PI) function engages once the data transfer process (DTP) function is complete.
The DTP function is responsible for the login sequence.
FTP requires two connections, one for control and one for data.
Both the PI and the DTP close automatically when the transfer is complete.
The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
From which router was this command executed?
Which statement correctly describes MIB?
It is software that is installed on a device which in turn is managed by SNMP.
It is installed on a system that is used to monitor networking devices.
It is a database that a device keeps about itself concerning network performance parameters.
It is a communication protocol that is used between the management station and the management agent.
Which two statements are true about resolvers in the DNS hierarchy? (Choose two.)
The resolvers attempt to resolve client queries by using the records that the resolvers maintain in their zone database files.
The DNS server queries the resolvers to translate the domain name to an IP address.
There can be only one resolver in a DNS zone.
Resolvers may be configured on DNS clients.
The DNS server uses the resolver to forward the name resolution request to another DNS server.
Which routing protocol depends on the DUAL algorithm to calculate the shortest path to a destination?
Which two parameters are stored in the routing table? (Choose two.)
the best route to reach remote networks
the interfaces used to forward packets
the ARP requests from connected routers
the number of times a route has been used by the router
the packets that are placed in the buffer before being forwarded
What will a router do with a packet that is destined for a host with the IP address if no entry for the network exists in the routing table?
It will broadcast the packet out of all of its active interfaces except the interface that received the packet.
It will send the packet back to the source address.
It will drop the packet.
It will broadcast the packet out of all of its active interfaces.
Which cable should be used to connect a PC to the console port of a Cisco router?
What is a characteristic of Syslog?
It requires users to prove their identity with the use of a username and password before users can access network resources.
It listens to network traffic and sends an alert to a management station to track which applications are used and the length of time for which they are used.
It enables devices to send information to a daemon that runs on a management station.
It provides users the rights to access specific resources and perform specific tasks.
The network administrator can ping a remote router but is unable to telnet to it. At what layer of the OSI model does this error occur?
data link
Which type of address is
host address
network address
broadcast address
multicast address
What is a feature of PAT?
It maps IP addresses to URLs.
It displays private IP addresses to public networks.
It sends acknowledgments of received packets.
It allows multiple hosts on a single LAN to share globally unique IP addresses.
Which statement describes a feature of TCP?
It provides low overhead data delivery.
It acknowledges the receipt of packets.
It does not provide error checking.
It is a connectionless protocol.
Which two statements are true about the c:\> ping command? (Choose two.)
It tests the accessibility of an IP address.
It sends a TCP packet to the destination IP address.
It sends an ICMP echo request packet to the destination address.
It traces the route of a data packet from the source to the destination.
It determines where a packet was lost or delayed during transmission.
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has added networks A and B to router R1. Which two subnetwork numbers should be used to address networks A and B so that these networks use the same subnet mask as networks C and D? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cable types should be used to complete the connection?
Cable A - straight-through; Cable B - straight-through; Cable C - serial
Cable A - straight-through; Cable B - straight-through; Cable C - rollover
Cable A - rollover; Cable B - straight-through; Cable C - crossover
Cable A - straight-through; Cable B - crossover; Cable C – serial
What are two reasons for issuing the show ip protocols command on a router? (Choose two.)
It displays the routing protocol in use.
It displays the routed protocol in use.
It displays the routing activity in real time.
It displays the static routes that are contained in the routing table.
It displays the networks that are being advertised by the router.
Refer to the graphic. Which command will configure a static route on Router A to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> 2
> A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
> an IDS
> an IPS
> a host-based firewall
> Anti-X software
> 3
> How does TCP ensure the reliable transfer of data?
> If data segments are not received from the source, the destination requests that the segments be resent.
> If an acknowledgment of the transmitted segments is not received from the destination in a predetermined amount of the time, the source resends the data.
> TCP uses the SYN-ACK portion of the three-way handshake to ensure that all data has been received.
> The TCP Protocol Interpreter process verifies the transmitted data at source and destination.
> 4
> What are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
> exchanges datagrams unreliably
> is used to send IP error messages
> forces the retransmission of unacknowledged packets
> creates a virtual session between end-user applications
> carries the IP address of the destination host in the TCP header
> is responsible for breaking messages into segments and reassembling them at their destination
> 5
> A user reports being able to access the Internet but not being able to download e-mail from the mail server at the ISP. What should the user check on the user workstation?
> the POP3 and SMTP server settings in the e-mail application
> the patch cable connections at the back of the workstation and at the wall plate
> the DHCP settings in the operating system
> the IP address, mask, and default gateway values
> the NIC drivers
> 6
Refer to the exhibit. Which type of UTP cable should be used to connect Host A to Switch1?
> rollover
> console
> crossover
> straight-through
> 7
> A network technician is using a network management station to gather data about the performance of devices and links within the ISP. Which application layer protocol makes this possible?
> 8
> After an unsuccessful ping to the local router, the technician decides to investigate the router. The technician observes that the lights and fan on the router are not operational. In which layer of the OSI model is the problem most likely occurring?
> transport
> network
> data link
> physical
> 9
> What is used by a routing protocol to determine the best path to include in the routing table?
> Convergence time
> Default distance
> Metric
> Type of router
> 10
> How does a switch interface that uses sticky port security handle MAC addresses?
> The addresses are configured manually and are saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured manually and are not saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured dynamically and are saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured dynamically and are not saved in the running configuration.
> 11
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator of the building in the graphic needs to choose the type of cable best suited to add ServerB to the network. Which cable type is the best choice?
> coaxial
> fiber optic
> The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
> C is directly connected, Serial0/0
> R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
> R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
> R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
> C is directly connected, Serial0/1
> From which router was this command executed?
> A
> B
> C
> D
> 13
Refer to the exhibit. A user who is connected to RTA is trying to telnet to RTB, but the connection is failing. Based on the output of the show running-config command on router RTB, why is the Telnet session failing?
> Telnet has not been configured on the console line.
> The login command has not been issued on the console line.
> No password has been configured on the VTY lines.
> A session limit has not been configured for Telnet.
> 14
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route on RTB:
> RTB(config)# ip route fa0/0
> A ping issued from PC3 is successful to RTB. However, echo request packets arrive at PC1 but the echo replies do not make it back to PC3. What will fix this problem?
> RTA must be configured to forward packets to the network.
> The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
> The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address.
> The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
> Another default route should be configured on RTA with a next hop address of
> 15
> What is the purpose of the routing process?
> to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
> to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
> to convert a URL name into an IP address
> to provide secure Internet file transfer
> to forward traffic on the basis of MAC addresses
> Show
> A small tire retailer requires a low-cost WAN connection to its headquarters in order to manage its inventory and process customer sales in real time. Which WAN connection type is best suited to its needs?
> T3
> T1
> leased line
> 17
> When customers use credit cards to make purchases at a small business, a modem is heard dialing a telephone number to transfer the transaction data to the central office. What type of WAN serial connection is in use?
> leased line
> packet switched
> circuit switched
> point-to-point
> 18
> In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?
> destination network address
> source network address
> source MAC address
> well known port destination address
> 19
> Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting the serial connection between R1 and R2. There is no communication between R1 and R2. Based on the output of the show ip interface brief command, what is the cause of the problem?
> There is a misconfiguration of IP addresses.
> There is a mismatch of encapsulation methods.
> The no shutdown command should be issued on R2.
> The routing protocols are not compatible.
> 20
> The command copy tftp running-config has been entered on the router. What will this command do?
> copy the configuration in RAM to a server
> copy the configuration file from a server to RAM
> copy the configuration file in NVRAM to RAM
> copy the configuration file in NVRAM to a server
> copy the configuration file from a server to NVRAM
> 21
> A user reports being unable to access the Internet. The help desk technician employs a bottom-up approach to troubleshooting. The technician first has the user check the patch cable connection from the PC to the wall, and then has the user verify that the NIC has a green link light. What will the technician have the user do next?
> Enter an IP address into the WWW browser address bar to see if DNS is at fault.
> Use traceroute to identify the device along the path to the ISP that may be at fault.
> Verify the IP address, subnet, and gateway settings using ipconfig on the PC.
> Connect to the user home router to check firewall settings for blocked TCP ports.
> 22
Refer to the exhibit. Which subnet mask would accommodate the number of hosts indicated for all subnets if the major network address was
> 23
> A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP can only supply five public IP addresses for this network. What technology can the administrator use to accomplish this task?
> classful subnetting
> variable length subnet masks
> classless interdomain routing
> port-based Network Address Translation
> 24
> What are two purposes of DNS? (Choose two.)
> to dynamically assign IP addressing information to network hosts
> to simplify the administration of host and default gateway addressing on client computers
> to assign TCP port numbers to hosts as part of the data transfer process
> to resolve human-readable domain names to numeric IP addresses
> to replace the static HOSTS file with a more practical dynamic system
> 25
> Refer to the exhibit. The diagram that is shown represents the network of a manufacturing company with its headquarters at one end of a city and its warehouse at the other end. These two locations are connected via a T1 line. How will the Fohi router dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with BGP
> with a static route
> with a directly connected route
> with an interior routing protocol
> How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
> They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations.
> They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
> They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers.
> They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
> 27
> Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output of the show ip route command, how many hops are between this router and the network?
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 120
> 28
> Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cables and symbols is correct?
> A - crossover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
> A - crossover, B - rollover, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B -crossover, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B -straight-through, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B - straight-through, C - crossover
> A - rollover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
> 29
> Refer to the exhibit. A ping command is issued on workstation A to determine if workstation B can be reached. What two events will occur if this command is successful? (Choose two.)
> The router will reply to the echo request with a proxy ping response.
> Workstation A will send a UDP ping request message to workstation B.
> The router will send a TCP acknowledgment message to workstation A.
> Workstation B will send a UDP ping reply message to the router.
> Workstation A will send an ICMP echo request message to workstation B.
> Workstation B will send an ICMP echo reply message to workstation A.
> 30
> Which two protocols allow network devices to report their status and events to a centralized network management device? (Choose two.)
> Syslog
> Telnet
> 31
> Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown?
(Choose two.)
> The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
> The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client.
> The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail.
> The IP address of the Internet server is
> The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
Refer to the exhibit. Both R1 and R2 are performing static NAT translations for their inside networks. A packet is sent from HostA to the web server. What are the source and destination addresses as the packet leaves R1 toward R2?
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> 33
> Which two processes enable a router to determine paths to destination networks? (Choose two.)
> inspection of the source IP address in data packets
> ARP requests from connected routers
> manual configuration of routes
> updates from other routers
> DHCP information broadcasts
> updates from the SMTP management information base
> 34
What is the most commonly used exterior routing protocol?
> 35
> Which two statements are true about the use of the debug ip rip command on a Cisco router? (Choose two.)
> The debug ip rip command displays RIP routing activity in real time.
> The debug ip rip command can be issued at the user EXEC configuration mode.
> The debug ip rip command displays a combination of the information that is displayed by the show ip route and show ip protocols commands.
> Because of router processor usage, the debug ip rip command should be used only when necessary.
> The debug ip rip command should be used instead of the show ip route command whenever possible.
> 36
> Which mode does a router enter when no configuration file is located in NVRAM?
> setup
> global configuration
> privileged exec
> 37
> Which two commands ensure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text when the configuration files are displayed? (Choose two.)
> Router(config)# enable secret cisco
> Router(config)# enable cisco
> Router(config)# encryption-password all
> Router(config)# enable login encrypted
> Router(config)# enable password encryption
> Router(config)# service password-encryption
> 38
> Which two subnet masks could be used when subnetting a Class B IP address? (Choose two.)
> 39
> A Catalyst switch is used as a temporary replacement for another switch that needs to be repaired. About a minute after the switch has started, the SYST LED on the front of the switch transitions from blinking green to amber. What is the meaning of the amber SYST LED?
> The switch has no configuration file in NVRAM.
> The switch has failed POST and must be sent for service.
> The switch is functioning properly.
> The switch is in half-duplex mode.
> 40
> A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
> misconfigured firewall
> bad port on switch or hub
> misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation
> wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation
> wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
> 41
> Refer to the exhibit. A NOC technician at an ISP enters the command c:\ping What are two reasons to use this command? (Choose two.)
> map the path to
> test reachability to
> locate connectivity problems along the route to
> identify ISPs that interconnect the NOC and remote host with IP
> measure the time that packets take to reach and return to the technician's workstation
> 42
> A user is attempting to do an without success. Which two configuration values must be set on the host to allow this access? (Choose two.)
> DNS server
> WINS server
> HTTP server
> default gateway
> Netbios
> 43
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the Fa0/0 interface of RTB so that hosts from RTA can connect to the server that is attached to RTB. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
> RTB# ip address
> RTB(config-if)# ip address
> RTB(config)# ip address
> RTB(config)# no shutdown
> RTB(config-if)# no shutdown
> RTB(config-if)# ip address
> 44
> A new router is connected to an existing network. Which two tasks must be completed on the new router to include it in the dynamic routing process? (Choose two.)
> Enter the new network IP address on all existing routers.
> Assign an appropriate IP address and subnet mask to the serial interface.
> Update the ip host configuration information with the device name and new interface IP address.
> Configure a routing protocol with the directly connected network IP addresses.
> Configure a routing protocol to include all existing networks.
> 45
> A company is developing an Internet store for its website. Which protocol should be used to transfer credit card information from customers to the company web server?
> WEP2
> 46
> Refer to the exhibit. Which command would an administrator use to configure the router name?
> Router# ip hostname Boise
> Router# hostname Boise
> Router(config-line)# name Boise
> Router(config)# hostname Boise
> Router> ip hostname Boise
> 47
> Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator configures a static default route to the Internet on router A, as shown in the exhibit. Why doesn't the route appear in the routing table?
> The serial interface is not connected.
> The gateway of last resort is not set.
> The destination prefix mask should be
> The routing protocol has not been configured.
> The default route must be configured on router B.
> 48
> Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?
> to indicate the correct router interface that should be used to forward a segment
> to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
> to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
> to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application
> to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
> 49
> How many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the network address with a subnet mask of
> 30
> 256
> 2046
> 2048
> 4094
> 4096
> 50
> What is one purpose of the TCP three-way handshake?
> sending echo requests from the source to the destination host to establish the presence of the destination
> determining the IP address of the destination host in preparation for data transfer
> requesting the destination to transfer a binary file to the source
> synchronizing sequence numbers between source and destination in preparation for data transfer
> 51
> Which type of address is
> host address
> network address
> broadcast address
> multicast address
> 52
> Refer to the exhibit. The PC tries to ping router B at, but the ping fails. What is the problem?
> The address of the PC is on the wrong subnet.
> The subnet mask of the PC should be
> The default gateway should be
> The DNS server is incorrect.
> 53
> Refer to the exhibit. Which two IP addresses could be assigned to the hosts in the diagram? (Choose two.)
> 54
> Refer to the exhibit. A new branch office has been added to the corporate network and a new router is to be installed to allow branch office users to access the database server at headquarters. How should the serial 0/0/0 interface of the new branch office router be configured to connect to the headquarters router?
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation hdlc
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> 55
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has configured the RTA and RTB interfaces. In order to allow hosts that are attached to RTA to reach the server that is attached to RTB, a static route from RTA to the server LAN and a default route from RTB back to RTA need to be configured. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish these tasks on the two routers? (Choose two.)
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTB(config)# ip route
> RTB(config)# ip route S0/0/1
> RTB(config)# ip route
> 56
> Refer to the exhibit. What two conclusions can be drawn about router RTB? (Choose two.)
> The router is connected to a router named Boise.
> Router RTB is connected to a Cisco 1841 router.
> Router RTB is directly connected to two other routers.
> The IP address of the router interface that is connected to router RTB is
> The RTB router is connected to two Cisco devices by FastEthernet links.
1 A company is developing an Internet store for its website. Which protocol should be used to transfer credit card information from customers to the company web server?
2 Refer to the exhibit. A new branch office has been added to the corporate network and a new router is to be installed to allow branch office users to access the database server at headquarters. How should the serial 0/0/0 interface of the new branch office router be configured to connect to the headquarters router?
branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
branch_23(config-if)# ip address
branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
3Which two commands ensure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text when the configuration files are displayed? (Choose two.)
Router(config)# enable secret cisco
Router(config)# enable cisco Router(config)# encryption-password all Router(config)# enable login encrypted Router(config)# enable password encryption
Router(config)# service password-encryption
4A new network is to be configured on a router. Which of the following tasks must be completed to configure this interface and implement dynamic IP routing for the new network? (Choose three.)
Select the routing protocol to be configured.
Assign an IP address and subnet mask to the interface
Update the ip host configuration information with the device name and new interface IP address.
Configure the routing protocol with the new network IP address.
Configure the routing protocol with the new interface IP address and subnet mask. Configure the routing protocol in use on all other enterprise routers with the new network information.
5 How does TCP ensure the reliable transfer of data?
if data segments are not received from the source, the destination requests that the segments be resent. If an acknowledgment of the transmitted segments is not received from the destination in a predetermined amount of the time, the source resends the data.
TCP uses the SYN-ACK portion of the three-way handshake to ensure that all data has been received
. The TCP Protocol Interpreter process verifies the transmitted data at source and destination.
6 A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP for this network can only supply five public IPs. What can be used to accomplish this task? routable translation dynamic translation static translation
port address translation
7What is the most commonly used exterior routing protocol?
8 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the router with a name. Which command will the administrator use to configure the router name? Router# ip hostname Boise
Router# enable hostname Boise
Router(config-line)# name Boise
Router(config)# hostname Boise
Router(config)# ip hostname Boise
9Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?
to indicate the correct router interface that should be used
to forward a segment to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
10What is the purpose of the routing process? to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
to convert a URL name into an IP address to provide secure Internet file transfer to forward traffic on the basis of MAC address.
11Which two statements are true about the use of the debug ip rip command on a Cisco router? (Choose two.)
The debug ip rip command displays RIP routing activity in real time.
The debug ip rip command can be issued at the user EXEC configuration mode.
The debug ip rip command displays a combination of the information that is displayed by the show ip route and show ip protocols commands. Because of router processor usage, the debug ip rip command should be used only when necessary. The debug ip rip command should be used instead of the show ip route command whenever possible.
12What minimum configurations must be set on a host to allow a request to be sent to (Choose four.)
DNS server
WINS server
IP address
subnet mask
default gateway
13A Catalyst 2960 switch has been taken out of storage to be used as a temporary replacement for another switch that needs to be repaired. About a minute after the switch has started, the SYST LED on the front of the switch transitions from blinking green to amber. What is the meaning of the amber SYST LED?
The switch has no configuration file in NVRAM.
The switch has failed POST and must be sent for service.
The switch is functioning properly. The switch is in half-duplex mode.
14Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cables and symbols is correct?
A - crossover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
A - crossover, B - rollover, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B -crossover, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B -straight-through, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B - straight-through, C - crossover
A - rollover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
15After an unsuccessful ping to the local router, the technician decides to investigate the router. The technician observes that the lights and fan on the router are not operational. In which layer of the OSI model is the problem most likely occurring?
data link
16What are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
exchanges datagrams unreliably is used to send IP error messages forces the retransmission of unacknowledged packets
creates a virtual session between end-user applications
carries the IP address of the destination host in the TCP header
is responsible for breaking messages into segments and reassembling them at their destination
17Refer to the exhibit. The network shown is connected using services from the same ISP. How will the Fohi router dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with BGP
with a static route
with a directly connected route with an interior routing protocol
18Refer to the exhibit. Which type of UTP cable should be used to connect Host A to Switch1?
19When customers use credit cards to make purchases at a small business, a modem is heard dialing a telephone number to transfer the transaction data to the central office. What type of WAN serial connection is in use?
leased line packet
circuit switched
20 A user reports being unable to access the Internet. The help desk technician employs a bottom-up approach to troubleshooting. The technician first has the user check the patch cable connection from the PC to the wall, and then has the user verify that the NIC has a green link light. What will the technician have the user do next?
Enter an IP address into the WWW browser address bar to see if DNS is at fault. Use traceroute to identify the device along the path to the ISP that may be at fault.
Verify the IP address, subnet, and gateway settings using ipconfig on the PC
. Connect to the user home router to check firewall settings for blocked TCP ports.
21 A ping command is issued on workstation A to determine if workstation B can be reached. What events will occur if this command is successful? (Choose two.) The router will block the ping request message.
The router will reply to the echo request with a proxy ping response.
Workstation A will send a UDP ping request message to workstation B.
Workstation B will send a UDP ping reply message to workstation A.
Workstation A will send an ICMP echo request message to workstation B.
Workstation B will send an ICMP echo reply message to workstation A.
22How does a router know of paths to destination networks? (Choose two.)
inspection of the destination IP address in data packets
ARP requests from connected routers manual configuration of routes
updates from other routers
DHCP information broadcasts updates from the SMTP management information base
23Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown? (Choose two.)
The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client. The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail. The IP address of the Internet server is .
The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
24What is one purpose of the TCP three-way handshake?
sending echo requests from the source to the destination host to establish the presence of the destination determining the IP address of the destination host in preparation for data transfer requesting the destination to transfer a binary file to the source
synchronizing sequence numbers between source and destination in preparation for data transfer
25Which type of address is
host address
network address
broadcast address
multicast address
26A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
misconfigured firewall
bad port on switch or hub misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
27The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
From which router was this command executed?
28Refer to the exhibit. Which two sets of commands are required to configure passwords for all management ports on a Catalyst 2960 switch? (Choose two.) ALSwitch(config)# interface vlan 1
ALSwitch(config-if)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-if)# login
ALSwitch(config)# line vty 0 4
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
ALSwitch(config)# line vty 0 15
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
ALSwitch(config)# enable secret class
ALSwitch(config)# enable password cisco
ALSwitch(config)# interface fa0/1ALSwitch(config-if)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-if)# no shutdown
ALSwitch(config)# line cons 0
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
29A user reports being able to access the Internet but not being able to download e-mail from the mail server at the ISP. What should the user check on the user workstation?
the POP3 and SMTP server settings in the e-mail application
the patch cable connections at the back of the workstation and at the wall plate the DHCP settings in the operating system the IP address, mask, and default gateway values the NIC drivers
30Refer to the graphic. Which command will configure a static route on Router A to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
31Which subnet masks could be used when subnetting a Class B IP address? (Choose two.)
32 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has configured the RTA and RTB interfaces. In order to allow hosts that are attached to RTA to reach the server that is attached to RTB, a static route from RTA to the server LAN and a default route from RTB back to RTA need to be configured. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish these tasks on the two routers? (Choose two.)
RTA(config)# ip route
RTA(config)# ip route
RTA(config)# ip route
RTB(config)# ip route
RTB(config)# ip route S0/0/1
RTB(config)# ip route
33How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations
. They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers. They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
34 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator of the building in the graphic needs to choose the type of cable best suited to add ServerB to the network. Which cable type is the best choice?
fiber optic
35What is used by a routing protocol to determine the best path to include in the routing table?
Convergence time
Default distance
Type of router
36Refer to the exhibit. Which IP addresses could be assigned to the hosts in the diagram? (Choose two.)
37Given the network shown in the graphic, which subnet mask would accommodate the number of hosts in each subnet?
38 Which two protocols allow network devices to report their status and events to a centralized network management device? (Choose two.)
39What is true regarding the differences between NAT and PAT?
PAT uses the word "overload" at the end of the access-list statement to share a single registered address.
Static NAT allows an unregistered address to map to multiple registered addresses.Dynamic NAT allows hosts to receive the same global address each time external access is required.
PAT uses unique source port numbers to distinguish between translations.
40Refer to the exhibit. The graphic shows the output of a command issued on router RTB. According to the output, what two statements are true of router RTB? (Choose two.)
The router is connected to a router named Boise.
Router RTB is connected to a Cisco 1841 router.Router RTB is directly connected to two other routers.
The IP address of the router interface connected to router RTB is .
The RTB router is connected to two Cisco devices by Fast Ethernet links.
41Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route to the ISP network :
RTB(config)# ip route ping issued from the ISP is successful to router RTB. However, ping echo request packets arrive at a host that is attached to the Fa0/0 interface of RTB, and the replies do not make it back to the ISP router. What will fix this problem?
The ISP must be configured to forward packets from the network.
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address. The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
42 A network technician is using a network management station to gather data about the performance of devices and links within the ISP. Which application layer protocol makes this possible?
43What are two purposes of DNS? (Choose two.)
to dynamically assign IP addressing information
to network hoststo simplify the administration of host and default gateway addressing on client computersto assign TCP port numbers
to hosts as part of the data transfer process
to resolve human-readable domain names
to numeric IP addressesto replace the static HOSTS file with a more practical dynamic system
44A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
an IDS
an IPS
a host-based firewall Anti-X software
45 How many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the network address with a subnet mask of
46In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?
destination network address
source network addresssource MAC addresswell known port destination address
47 A small tire retailer requires a low-cost WAN connection to its headquarters in order to manage its inventory and process customer sales in real time. Which WAN connection type is best suited to its needs?
leased line
48The command copy tftp running-config has been entered on the router. What will this command do?
copy the configuration in RAM to a server
copy the configuration file from a server to RAM
copy the configuration file in NVRAM to RAMcopy the configuration file in NVRAM to a servercopy the configuration file from a server to NVRAM
49Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the Fa0/0 interface of RTB so that hosts from RTA can connect to the server that is attached to RTB. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.) RTB# ip address
RTB(config-if)# ip address
RTB(config)# ip address
RTB(config)# no shutdown
RTB(config-if)# no shutdown
RTB(config-if)# ip address
50Refer to the exhibit. A NOC technician at an ISP enters the command shown. What are two reasons to use this command? (Choose two.) to map the path to
to test reachability to
to locate connectivity problems along the route to to identify the ISPs that interconnect the NOC with the remote host with the address
to measure the time that packets take to reach and return to the technician's workstation
Refer to the graphic. Which command will configure a static route on Router A to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> RouterA(config)# ip route
> 2
> A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
> an IDS
> an IPS
> a host-based firewall
> Anti-X software
> 3
> How does TCP ensure the reliable transfer of data?
> If data segments are not received from the source, the destination requests that the segments be resent.
> If an acknowledgment of the transmitted segments is not received from the destination in a predetermined amount of the time, the source resends the data.
> TCP uses the SYN-ACK portion of the three-way handshake to ensure that all data has been received.
> The TCP Protocol Interpreter process verifies the transmitted data at source and destination.
> 4
> What are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
> exchanges datagrams unreliably
> is used to send IP error messages
> forces the retransmission of unacknowledged packets
> creates a virtual session between end-user applications
> carries the IP address of the destination host in the TCP header
> is responsible for breaking messages into segments and reassembling them at their destination
> 5
> A user reports being able to access the Internet but not being able to download e-mail from the mail server at the ISP. What should the user check on the user workstation?
> the POP3 and SMTP server settings in the e-mail application
> the patch cable connections at the back of the workstation and at the wall plate
> the DHCP settings in the operating system
> the IP address, mask, and default gateway values
> the NIC drivers
> 6
Refer to the exhibit. Which type of UTP cable should be used to connect Host A to Switch1?
> rollover
> console
> crossover
> straight-through
> 7
> A network technician is using a network management station to gather data about the performance of devices and links within the ISP. Which application layer protocol makes this possible?
> 8
> After an unsuccessful ping to the local router, the technician decides to investigate the router. The technician observes that the lights and fan on the router are not operational. In which layer of the OSI model is the problem most likely occurring?
> transport
> network
> data link
> physical
> 9
> What is used by a routing protocol to determine the best path to include in the routing table?
> Convergence time
> Default distance
> Metric
> Type of router
> 10
> How does a switch interface that uses sticky port security handle MAC addresses?
> The addresses are configured manually and are saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured manually and are not saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured dynamically and are saved in the running configuration.
> They are configured dynamically and are not saved in the running configuration.
> 11
Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator of the building in the graphic needs to choose the type of cable best suited to add ServerB to the network. Which cable type is the best choice?
> coaxial
> fiber optic
> The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
> C is directly connected, Serial0/0
> R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
> R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
> R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
> C is directly connected, Serial0/1
> From which router was this command executed?
> A
> B
> C
> D
> 13
Refer to the exhibit. A user who is connected to RTA is trying to telnet to RTB, but the connection is failing. Based on the output of the show running-config command on router RTB, why is the Telnet session failing?
> Telnet has not been configured on the console line.
> The login command has not been issued on the console line.
> No password has been configured on the VTY lines.
> A session limit has not been configured for Telnet.
> 14
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route on RTB:
> RTB(config)# ip route fa0/0
> A ping issued from PC3 is successful to RTB. However, echo request packets arrive at PC1 but the echo replies do not make it back to PC3. What will fix this problem?
> RTA must be configured to forward packets to the network.
> The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
> The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address.
> The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
> Another default route should be configured on RTA with a next hop address of
> 15
> What is the purpose of the routing process?
> to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
> to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
> to convert a URL name into an IP address
> to provide secure Internet file transfer
> to forward traffic on the basis of MAC addresses
> Show
> A small tire retailer requires a low-cost WAN connection to its headquarters in order to manage its inventory and process customer sales in real time. Which WAN connection type is best suited to its needs?
> T3
> T1
> leased line
> 17
> When customers use credit cards to make purchases at a small business, a modem is heard dialing a telephone number to transfer the transaction data to the central office. What type of WAN serial connection is in use?
> leased line
> packet switched
> circuit switched
> point-to-point
> 18
> In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?
> destination network address
> source network address
> source MAC address
> well known port destination address
> 19
> Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is troubleshooting the serial connection between R1 and R2. There is no communication between R1 and R2. Based on the output of the show ip interface brief command, what is the cause of the problem?
> There is a misconfiguration of IP addresses.
> There is a mismatch of encapsulation methods.
> The no shutdown command should be issued on R2.
> The routing protocols are not compatible.
> 20
> The command copy tftp running-config has been entered on the router. What will this command do?
> copy the configuration in RAM to a server
> copy the configuration file from a server to RAM
> copy the configuration file in NVRAM to RAM
> copy the configuration file in NVRAM to a server
> copy the configuration file from a server to NVRAM
> 21
> A user reports being unable to access the Internet. The help desk technician employs a bottom-up approach to troubleshooting. The technician first has the user check the patch cable connection from the PC to the wall, and then has the user verify that the NIC has a green link light. What will the technician have the user do next?
> Enter an IP address into the WWW browser address bar to see if DNS is at fault.
> Use traceroute to identify the device along the path to the ISP that may be at fault.
> Verify the IP address, subnet, and gateway settings using ipconfig on the PC.
> Connect to the user home router to check firewall settings for blocked TCP ports.
> 22
Refer to the exhibit. Which subnet mask would accommodate the number of hosts indicated for all subnets if the major network address was
> 23
> A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP can only supply five public IP addresses for this network. What technology can the administrator use to accomplish this task?
> classful subnetting
> variable length subnet masks
> classless interdomain routing
> port-based Network Address Translation
> 24
> What are two purposes of DNS? (Choose two.)
> to dynamically assign IP addressing information to network hosts
> to simplify the administration of host and default gateway addressing on client computers
> to assign TCP port numbers to hosts as part of the data transfer process
> to resolve human-readable domain names to numeric IP addresses
> to replace the static HOSTS file with a more practical dynamic system
> 25
> Refer to the exhibit. The diagram that is shown represents the network of a manufacturing company with its headquarters at one end of a city and its warehouse at the other end. These two locations are connected via a T1 line. How will the Fohi router dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with BGP
> with a static route
> with a directly connected route
> with an interior routing protocol
> How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
> They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations.
> They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
> They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers.
> They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
> 27
> Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output of the show ip route command, how many hops are between this router and the network?
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 120
> 28
> Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cables and symbols is correct?
> A - crossover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
> A - crossover, B - rollover, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B -crossover, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B -straight-through, C - straight-through
> A - straight-through, B - straight-through, C - crossover
> A - rollover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
> 29
> Refer to the exhibit. A ping command is issued on workstation A to determine if workstation B can be reached. What two events will occur if this command is successful? (Choose two.)
> The router will reply to the echo request with a proxy ping response.
> Workstation A will send a UDP ping request message to workstation B.
> The router will send a TCP acknowledgment message to workstation A.
> Workstation B will send a UDP ping reply message to the router.
> Workstation A will send an ICMP echo request message to workstation B.
> Workstation B will send an ICMP echo reply message to workstation A.
> 30
> Which two protocols allow network devices to report their status and events to a centralized network management device? (Choose two.)
> Syslog
> Telnet
> 31
> Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown?
(Choose two.)
> The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
> The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client.
> The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail.
> The IP address of the Internet server is
> The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
Refer to the exhibit. Both R1 and R2 are performing static NAT translations for their inside networks. A packet is sent from HostA to the web server. What are the source and destination addresses as the packet leaves R1 toward R2?
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> Source: Destination:
> 33
> Which two processes enable a router to determine paths to destination networks? (Choose two.)
> inspection of the source IP address in data packets
> ARP requests from connected routers
> manual configuration of routes
> updates from other routers
> DHCP information broadcasts
> updates from the SMTP management information base
> 34
What is the most commonly used exterior routing protocol?
> 35
> Which two statements are true about the use of the debug ip rip command on a Cisco router? (Choose two.)
> The debug ip rip command displays RIP routing activity in real time.
> The debug ip rip command can be issued at the user EXEC configuration mode.
> The debug ip rip command displays a combination of the information that is displayed by the show ip route and show ip protocols commands.
> Because of router processor usage, the debug ip rip command should be used only when necessary.
> The debug ip rip command should be used instead of the show ip route command whenever possible.
> 36
> Which mode does a router enter when no configuration file is located in NVRAM?
> setup
> global configuration
> privileged exec
> 37
> Which two commands ensure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text when the configuration files are displayed? (Choose two.)
> Router(config)# enable secret cisco
> Router(config)# enable cisco
> Router(config)# encryption-password all
> Router(config)# enable login encrypted
> Router(config)# enable password encryption
> Router(config)# service password-encryption
> 38
> Which two subnet masks could be used when subnetting a Class B IP address? (Choose two.)
> 39
> A Catalyst switch is used as a temporary replacement for another switch that needs to be repaired. About a minute after the switch has started, the SYST LED on the front of the switch transitions from blinking green to amber. What is the meaning of the amber SYST LED?
> The switch has no configuration file in NVRAM.
> The switch has failed POST and must be sent for service.
> The switch is functioning properly.
> The switch is in half-duplex mode.
> 40
> A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
> misconfigured firewall
> bad port on switch or hub
> misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation
> wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation
> wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
> 41
> Refer to the exhibit. A NOC technician at an ISP enters the command c:\ping What are two reasons to use this command? (Choose two.)
> map the path to
> test reachability to
> locate connectivity problems along the route to
> identify ISPs that interconnect the NOC and remote host with IP
> measure the time that packets take to reach and return to the technician's workstation
> 42
> A user is attempting to do an without success. Which two configuration values must be set on the host to allow this access? (Choose two.)
> DNS server
> WINS server
> HTTP server
> default gateway
> Netbios
> 43
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the Fa0/0 interface of RTB so that hosts from RTA can connect to the server that is attached to RTB. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
> RTB# ip address
> RTB(config-if)# ip address
> RTB(config)# ip address
> RTB(config)# no shutdown
> RTB(config-if)# no shutdown
> RTB(config-if)# ip address
> 44
> A new router is connected to an existing network. Which two tasks must be completed on the new router to include it in the dynamic routing process? (Choose two.)
> Enter the new network IP address on all existing routers.
> Assign an appropriate IP address and subnet mask to the serial interface.
> Update the ip host configuration information with the device name and new interface IP address.
> Configure a routing protocol with the directly connected network IP addresses.
> Configure a routing protocol to include all existing networks.
> 45
> A company is developing an Internet store for its website. Which protocol should be used to transfer credit card information from customers to the company web server?
> WEP2
> 46
> Refer to the exhibit. Which command would an administrator use to configure the router name?
> Router# ip hostname Boise
> Router# hostname Boise
> Router(config-line)# name Boise
> Router(config)# hostname Boise
> Router> ip hostname Boise
> 47
> Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator configures a static default route to the Internet on router A, as shown in the exhibit. Why doesn't the route appear in the routing table?
> The serial interface is not connected.
> The gateway of last resort is not set.
> The destination prefix mask should be
> The routing protocol has not been configured.
> The default route must be configured on router B.
> 48
> Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?
> to indicate the correct router interface that should be used to forward a segment
> to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
> to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
> to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application
> to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
> 49
> How many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the network address with a subnet mask of
> 30
> 256
> 2046
> 2048
> 4094
> 4096
> 50
> What is one purpose of the TCP three-way handshake?
> sending echo requests from the source to the destination host to establish the presence of the destination
> determining the IP address of the destination host in preparation for data transfer
> requesting the destination to transfer a binary file to the source
> synchronizing sequence numbers between source and destination in preparation for data transfer
> 51
> Which type of address is
> host address
> network address
> broadcast address
> multicast address
> 52
> Refer to the exhibit. The PC tries to ping router B at, but the ping fails. What is the problem?
> The address of the PC is on the wrong subnet.
> The subnet mask of the PC should be
> The default gateway should be
> The DNS server is incorrect.
> 53
> Refer to the exhibit. Which two IP addresses could be assigned to the hosts in the diagram? (Choose two.)
> 54
> Refer to the exhibit. A new branch office has been added to the corporate network and a new router is to be installed to allow branch office users to access the database server at headquarters. How should the serial 0/0/0 interface of the new branch office router be configured to connect to the headquarters router?
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation hdlc
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
> branch_23(config-if)# ip address
> branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
> 55
> Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has configured the RTA and RTB interfaces. In order to allow hosts that are attached to RTA to reach the server that is attached to RTB, a static route from RTA to the server LAN and a default route from RTB back to RTA need to be configured. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish these tasks on the two routers? (Choose two.)
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTA(config)# ip route
> RTB(config)# ip route
> RTB(config)# ip route S0/0/1
> RTB(config)# ip route
> 56
> Refer to the exhibit. What two conclusions can be drawn about router RTB? (Choose two.)
> The router is connected to a router named Boise.
> Router RTB is connected to a Cisco 1841 router.
> Router RTB is directly connected to two other routers.
> The IP address of the router interface that is connected to router RTB is
> The RTB router is connected to two Cisco devices by FastEthernet links.
1 A company is developing an Internet store for its website. Which protocol should be used to transfer credit card information from customers to the company web server?
2 Refer to the exhibit. A new branch office has been added to the corporate network and a new router is to be installed to allow branch office users to access the database server at headquarters. How should the serial 0/0/0 interface of the new branch office router be configured to connect to the headquarters router?
branch_23(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
branch_23(config-if)# ip address
branch_23(config-if)# no shutdown
3Which two commands ensure that any password that permits access to the privileged EXEC mode is not shown in plain text when the configuration files are displayed? (Choose two.)
Router(config)# enable secret cisco
Router(config)# enable cisco Router(config)# encryption-password all Router(config)# enable login encrypted Router(config)# enable password encryption
Router(config)# service password-encryption
4A new network is to be configured on a router. Which of the following tasks must be completed to configure this interface and implement dynamic IP routing for the new network? (Choose three.)
Select the routing protocol to be configured.
Assign an IP address and subnet mask to the interface
Update the ip host configuration information with the device name and new interface IP address.
Configure the routing protocol with the new network IP address.
Configure the routing protocol with the new interface IP address and subnet mask. Configure the routing protocol in use on all other enterprise routers with the new network information.
5 How does TCP ensure the reliable transfer of data?
if data segments are not received from the source, the destination requests that the segments be resent. If an acknowledgment of the transmitted segments is not received from the destination in a predetermined amount of the time, the source resends the data.
TCP uses the SYN-ACK portion of the three-way handshake to ensure that all data has been received
. The TCP Protocol Interpreter process verifies the transmitted data at source and destination.
6 A network administrator is asked to design a system to allow simultaneous access to the Internet for 250 users. The ISP for this network can only supply five public IPs. What can be used to accomplish this task? routable translation dynamic translation static translation
port address translation
7What is the most commonly used exterior routing protocol?
8 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the router with a name. Which command will the administrator use to configure the router name? Router# ip hostname Boise
Router# enable hostname Boise
Router(config-line)# name Boise
Router(config)# hostname Boise
Router(config)# ip hostname Boise
9Why are port numbers included in the TCP header of a segment?
to indicate the correct router interface that should be used
to forward a segment to identify which switch ports should receive or forward the segment
to determine which Layer 3 protocol should be used to encapsulate the data
to enable a receiving host to forward the data to the appropriate application to allow the receiving host to assemble the packet in the proper order
10What is the purpose of the routing process? to encapsulate data that is used to communicate across a network
to select the paths that are used to direct traffic to destination networks
to convert a URL name into an IP address to provide secure Internet file transfer to forward traffic on the basis of MAC address.
11Which two statements are true about the use of the debug ip rip command on a Cisco router? (Choose two.)
The debug ip rip command displays RIP routing activity in real time.
The debug ip rip command can be issued at the user EXEC configuration mode.
The debug ip rip command displays a combination of the information that is displayed by the show ip route and show ip protocols commands. Because of router processor usage, the debug ip rip command should be used only when necessary. The debug ip rip command should be used instead of the show ip route command whenever possible.
12What minimum configurations must be set on a host to allow a request to be sent to (Choose four.)
DNS server
WINS server
IP address
subnet mask
default gateway
13A Catalyst 2960 switch has been taken out of storage to be used as a temporary replacement for another switch that needs to be repaired. About a minute after the switch has started, the SYST LED on the front of the switch transitions from blinking green to amber. What is the meaning of the amber SYST LED?
The switch has no configuration file in NVRAM.
The switch has failed POST and must be sent for service.
The switch is functioning properly. The switch is in half-duplex mode.
14Refer to the exhibit. Which combination of cables and symbols is correct?
A - crossover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
A - crossover, B - rollover, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B -crossover, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B -straight-through, C - straight-through
A - straight-through, B - straight-through, C - crossover
A - rollover, B - straight-through, C - straight-through
15After an unsuccessful ping to the local router, the technician decides to investigate the router. The technician observes that the lights and fan on the router are not operational. In which layer of the OSI model is the problem most likely occurring?
data link
16What are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
exchanges datagrams unreliably is used to send IP error messages forces the retransmission of unacknowledged packets
creates a virtual session between end-user applications
carries the IP address of the destination host in the TCP header
is responsible for breaking messages into segments and reassembling them at their destination
17Refer to the exhibit. The network shown is connected using services from the same ISP. How will the Fohi router dynamically learn routes to the,, and subnetworks?
with BGP
with a static route
with a directly connected route with an interior routing protocol
18Refer to the exhibit. Which type of UTP cable should be used to connect Host A to Switch1?
19When customers use credit cards to make purchases at a small business, a modem is heard dialing a telephone number to transfer the transaction data to the central office. What type of WAN serial connection is in use?
leased line packet
circuit switched
20 A user reports being unable to access the Internet. The help desk technician employs a bottom-up approach to troubleshooting. The technician first has the user check the patch cable connection from the PC to the wall, and then has the user verify that the NIC has a green link light. What will the technician have the user do next?
Enter an IP address into the WWW browser address bar to see if DNS is at fault. Use traceroute to identify the device along the path to the ISP that may be at fault.
Verify the IP address, subnet, and gateway settings using ipconfig on the PC
. Connect to the user home router to check firewall settings for blocked TCP ports.
21 A ping command is issued on workstation A to determine if workstation B can be reached. What events will occur if this command is successful? (Choose two.) The router will block the ping request message.
The router will reply to the echo request with a proxy ping response.
Workstation A will send a UDP ping request message to workstation B.
Workstation B will send a UDP ping reply message to workstation A.
Workstation A will send an ICMP echo request message to workstation B.
Workstation B will send an ICMP echo reply message to workstation A.
22How does a router know of paths to destination networks? (Choose two.)
inspection of the destination IP address in data packets
ARP requests from connected routers manual configuration of routes
updates from other routers
DHCP information broadcasts updates from the SMTP management information base
23Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements describe the data conversation shown? (Choose two.)
The data conversation was started by the HTTP application process running on the client.
The data conversation is identified by TCP port 80 on the client. The user started the data conversation by sending an e-mail. The IP address of the Internet server is .
The Internet server will send data to port 8547 on the client.
24What is one purpose of the TCP three-way handshake?
sending echo requests from the source to the destination host to establish the presence of the destination determining the IP address of the destination host in preparation for data transfer requesting the destination to transfer a binary file to the source
synchronizing sequence numbers between source and destination in preparation for data transfer
25Which type of address is
host address
network address
broadcast address
multicast address
26A customer reports connectivity problems to an ISP technician. Upon questioning the customer, the technician discovers that all network applications are functioning except for FTP. What should the technician suspect is the problem?
misconfigured firewall
bad port on switch or hub misconfigured IP addressing on the customer's workstation wrong DNS server configured on the customer's workstation wrong default gateway configured on the customer's workstation
27The show ip route command was executed on one of the routers shown in the graphic and the following output was displayed:
C is directly connected, Serial0/0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:19, Serial0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
R [120/2] via, 00:00:20, Serial0/1
C is directly connected, Serial0/1
From which router was this command executed?
28Refer to the exhibit. Which two sets of commands are required to configure passwords for all management ports on a Catalyst 2960 switch? (Choose two.) ALSwitch(config)# interface vlan 1
ALSwitch(config-if)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-if)# login
ALSwitch(config)# line vty 0 4
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
ALSwitch(config)# line vty 0 15
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
ALSwitch(config)# enable secret class
ALSwitch(config)# enable password cisco
ALSwitch(config)# interface fa0/1ALSwitch(config-if)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-if)# no shutdown
ALSwitch(config)# line cons 0
ALSwitch(config-line)# password cisco
ALSwitch(config-line)# login
29A user reports being able to access the Internet but not being able to download e-mail from the mail server at the ISP. What should the user check on the user workstation?
the POP3 and SMTP server settings in the e-mail application
the patch cable connections at the back of the workstation and at the wall plate the DHCP settings in the operating system the IP address, mask, and default gateway values the NIC drivers
30Refer to the graphic. Which command will configure a static route on Router A to direct traffic from LAN A that is destined for LAN C?
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
RouterA(config)# ip route
31Which subnet masks could be used when subnetting a Class B IP address? (Choose two.)
32 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has configured the RTA and RTB interfaces. In order to allow hosts that are attached to RTA to reach the server that is attached to RTB, a static route from RTA to the server LAN and a default route from RTB back to RTA need to be configured. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish these tasks on the two routers? (Choose two.)
RTA(config)# ip route
RTA(config)# ip route
RTA(config)# ip route
RTB(config)# ip route
RTB(config)# ip route S0/0/1
RTB(config)# ip route
33How do port filtering and access lists help provide network security?
They prevent specified types of traffic from reaching specified network destinations
. They alert network administrators to various type of denial of service attacks as they occur.
They prevent viruses, worms, and Trojans from infecting host computers and servers. They enable encryption and authentication of confidential data communications.
34 Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator of the building in the graphic needs to choose the type of cable best suited to add ServerB to the network. Which cable type is the best choice?
fiber optic
35What is used by a routing protocol to determine the best path to include in the routing table?
Convergence time
Default distance
Type of router
36Refer to the exhibit. Which IP addresses could be assigned to the hosts in the diagram? (Choose two.)
37Given the network shown in the graphic, which subnet mask would accommodate the number of hosts in each subnet?
38 Which two protocols allow network devices to report their status and events to a centralized network management device? (Choose two.)
39What is true regarding the differences between NAT and PAT?
PAT uses the word "overload" at the end of the access-list statement to share a single registered address.
Static NAT allows an unregistered address to map to multiple registered addresses.Dynamic NAT allows hosts to receive the same global address each time external access is required.
PAT uses unique source port numbers to distinguish between translations.
40Refer to the exhibit. The graphic shows the output of a command issued on router RTB. According to the output, what two statements are true of router RTB? (Choose two.)
The router is connected to a router named Boise.
Router RTB is connected to a Cisco 1841 router.Router RTB is directly connected to two other routers.
The IP address of the router interface connected to router RTB is .
The RTB router is connected to two Cisco devices by Fast Ethernet links.
41Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator uses the command below to configure a default route to the ISP network :
RTB(config)# ip route ping issued from the ISP is successful to router RTB. However, ping echo request packets arrive at a host that is attached to the Fa0/0 interface of RTB, and the replies do not make it back to the ISP router. What will fix this problem?
The ISP must be configured to forward packets from the network.
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the next hop address is
The ip route command needs to be edited so that the address is the next hop address. The ip route command should be removed from the RTB router configuration.
42 A network technician is using a network management station to gather data about the performance of devices and links within the ISP. Which application layer protocol makes this possible?
43What are two purposes of DNS? (Choose two.)
to dynamically assign IP addressing information
to network hoststo simplify the administration of host and default gateway addressing on client computersto assign TCP port numbers
to hosts as part of the data transfer process
to resolve human-readable domain names
to numeric IP addressesto replace the static HOSTS file with a more practical dynamic system
44A hacker attempts to reach confidential information that is stored on a server inside the corporate network. A network security solution inspects the entire packet, determines that it is a threat, and blocks the packet from entering the inside network. Which security measure protected the network?
an IDS
an IPS
a host-based firewall Anti-X software
45 How many host addresses may be assigned on each subnetwork when using the network address with a subnet mask of
46In an IPv4 environment, what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?
destination network address
source network addresssource MAC addresswell known port destination address
47 A small tire retailer requires a low-cost WAN connection to its headquarters in order to manage its inventory and process customer sales in real time. Which WAN connection type is best suited to its needs?
leased line
48The command copy tftp running-config has been entered on the router. What will this command do?
copy the configuration in RAM to a server
copy the configuration file from a server to RAM
copy the configuration file in NVRAM to RAMcopy the configuration file in NVRAM to a servercopy the configuration file from a server to NVRAM
49Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to configure the Fa0/0 interface of RTB so that hosts from RTA can connect to the server that is attached to RTB. Which two commands will the administrator use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.) RTB# ip address
RTB(config-if)# ip address
RTB(config)# ip address
RTB(config)# no shutdown
RTB(config-if)# no shutdown
RTB(config-if)# ip address
50Refer to the exhibit. A NOC technician at an ISP enters the command shown. What are two reasons to use this command? (Choose two.) to map the path to
to test reachability to
to locate connectivity problems along the route to to identify the ISPs that interconnect the NOC with the remote host with the address
to measure the time that packets take to reach and return to the technician's workstation
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